Serial illnesses in a train stopped for the rescue of a passenger

A trip that turned into a nightmare… Around 7 p.m. on Monday, the emergency services of the SDIS of Haute-Garonne intervene for a faintness with attack of the vital functions of a passenger of a train try to save the victim. The train must then stop in the middle of the track in the town of Portet-sur-Garonne blocking 200 passengers under the scorching heat of this beginning of July in the department. Result: in addition to the first victim taken care of by the emergency services, the firefighters also had to deal with five new illnesses due to the temperatures and the wait.

All the passengers were then able to be sheltered from the sun at a meeting point away from the tracks. For the time being, the discomfort of the passengers has been taken care of, but the condition of the first victim remains unknown.

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