Senate and National Assembly fail to agree on extension

The deputies and the senators failed to agree, this Tuesday, on the bill “sanitary vigilance” and the possibility of resorting to the sanitary pass until July 31, a period considered too long by the upper house, announced a parliamentary source.

The text will therefore have to go back to the National Assembly on Wednesday, then to the Senate on Thursday, before a final vote on Friday by the Assembly, which will have the last word.

“Territorialization” of the health pass

The failure of the Joint Joint Committee (CMP) meeting on Tuesday at midday was largely predictable, given the profound differences between the texts voted on at first reading by the Assembly – where the government has a majority – and the Senate, dominated by the right-wing opposition. The Republicans and the left have already planned appeals to the Constitutional Council.

Last Thursday, the Senate reduced from July 31 to February 28 the possible extension of the braking measures against the Covid-19 epidemic, deeming a parliamentary review necessary before the summer. The government and its majority at the Palais-Bourbon, on the other hand, retain the date of July 31, which allows “to step over” the presidential and legislative elections. The Senate also pleads for a “territorialization” of the health pass from November 15. It would thus be limited to the departments which have not reached a vaccination rate of 80% of the eligible population, and in which an active circulation of the virus is observed.

Have “all the tools”

Another bone of contention, the senators, in the name of medical confidentiality, removed the controversial provision allowing school directors to know the vaccination status of students. Prime Minister Jean Castex, who spoke Tuesday morning in front of the deputies of the majority (LREM, Agir, MoDem) had himself anticipated this failure. “We will not be able to reach an agreement with the Senate. I trust you to be mobilized tomorrow (Wednesday), ”he said, reported a participant.

The head of government underlined his “will” to have “all the tools to deal with a resurgence of the epidemic” if necessary. Referring to the conflict with the Senate on the deadline, he “recalled that the heaviest measures (confinement, traffic restrictions), always call for the validation of Parliament after four weeks”, in the event of re-engagement of the regime. state of health emergency.

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