Self-control: How to be productive in the home office – knowledge

Quickly clear out the dishwasher, briefly on the sofa or watch this one YouTube video: the temptations in the home office are great. How to still be productive. A couple of tricks.


Sebastian Herrmann

A new life begins tomorrow. It’s about: shining at work, attentive presence in family life, tightening the limp office chair body and a plan for all the ideas that shine so brightly when you brush your teeth in the evening and are smashed by the alarm clock every morning. So this time there is a violent pull on the belt. Of course, the distractions of everyday life then slide away in between. The smartphone, social media, YouTube and whatever else calls for attention and promises quick amusement. Working in the home office extends the list of temptations to include temptations such as the sofa or the urge to clear out the dishwasher instead of working through these bland documents. But others have a grip on themselves, how do these discipline monsters do it?

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