Secret meeting: AfD politicians apparently discuss eviction plan

As of: January 10, 2024 6:02 p.m

According to “Correctiv”, AfD politicians and a well-known right-wing extremist are said to have met for a secret meeting. One topic was apparently the expulsion of millions of people from Germany including those with a German passport.

At a meeting that has not yet been made public, AfD politicians are said to have discussed a master plan with the Austrian right-wing extremist Martin Sellner and private supporters that envisages the expulsion of millions of people from Germany. This is reported by the media company “Correctiv”. Two CDU members were also present, members of the Union of Values.

Among those invited to the meeting was the former co-owner of the self-service bakery chain “Backwerk”, Hans Christian Limmer, previously one of the owners of the restaurant franchise brand “Hans im Glück”. The company has since separated from Limmer.

The “Correctiv” research team documented the on-site meeting, which took place in November in a hotel near Potsdam. Some documents were also made available to “Correctiv” by Greenpeace.

5,000 euros for a “master plan”

An invitation letter for the meeting, which is available to “Correctiv”, states: A “strategy concept in the sense of a master plan” will be presented at the event. And: The “chances of getting our country back on a normal and healthy course” are “greater than ever before”. A “minimum donation of 5,000 euros” will be required to participate.

This donation should make it clear that “collecting support is a core task of our group,” says the letter signed by entrepreneur Limmer and the well-known right-wing extremist Gernot Mörig. Another letter of invitation from Mörig states: “The overall concept in the sense of a master plan will be introduced by none other than Martin Sellner.”

The right-wing extremist Martin Sellner was apparently at the center of the meeting.

Expulsion of Germans?

Several sources relayed statements from the conference to Correctiv reporters. The focus of the meeting was a right-wing extremist concept presented by Sellner – the long-standing head of the “Identitarian Movement” – which the AfD officially rejects: the “remigration” of German citizens with an immigration history.

This would affect millions of people who are to be expelled from Germany. Participants at the meeting explained how exactly they would like to put this strategy into practice together should the AfD come into government responsibility.

Apparently approval from AfD politicians

During the meeting, the AfD politicians present agreed with the concept presented, according to “Correctiv”. The AfD parliamentary group leader in Saxony-Anhalt, Ulrich Siegmund, who was present, added: One must ensure in one’s state that it becomes “as unattractive as possible for this clientele to live.”

AfD member of the Bundestag Gerrit Huy said that she had been pursuing the outlined goal for a long time and had already “brought a remigration concept with her” when she joined the party.

One of the visitors to the meeting was party leader Alice Weidel’s personal advisor, Roland Hartwig. Above all, his participation shows that right-wing extremist ideas reach right up to the top of the party’s federal association. According to the “Correctiv” research, Hartwig agreed at the meeting to bring the content of the meeting’s plans into the party.

“Correctiv” confronted many of the participants about the statements they made at the meeting. Gernot Mörig, who in response to the questions described himself as the “sole organizer”, pointed out that there was no requirement for participation, especially not in the form of a donation – although his invitation stated otherwise.

Participants object

Regarding the “remigration concept” discussed, Mörig said that he remembered the neo-Nazi Sellner’s statements differently – because if he had “consciously perceived” them, he would certainly have contradicted them. The entrepreneur Limmer makes a similar statement. He points out that, unlike Mörig, he was not the organizer and planner of the event. He would also “always object” if someone “wanted to treat German citizens as second-class citizens.”

Saxony-Anhalt’s AfD parliamentary group leader Siegmund emphasized in his answer to the questions that he was at the meeting as a “private person” and not in his capacity as a member of parliament for the AfD. In his answer about the Höcker law firm, Siegmund leaves open how he views the concept of “remigration”. He simply writes that he “does not want to expel people illegally.”

Sellner, the AfD politician Hartwig and the AfD MP Huy, as well as the AfD federal executive board, did not answer Correctiv’s questions by the time of going to press.

Bianca Schwarz, ARD Berlin, tagesschau, January 10, 2024 11:29 a.m

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