Searching for parking spaces for mobile homes also in Karlsfeld – Dachau

These days you can see them again on the motorways: the mobile homes are pulling in the right lane almost like a caravan – and it is by no means just Dutch who are on their annual camping holiday. Since Corona, that has long been clear, traveling with a mobile home has also been the absolute trend in Germany. Dachau recognized this some time ago: Motorhome parking spaces would be “economic development for the city”, said Sabine Geißler, the local tourism advisor, only in April. Since then, efforts have been made to find a space in Dachau – but so far in vain. Refurbishing one would put too much strain on the city, which has got into financial difficulties due to Corona, among other things. The parking lot in front of the old indoor pool is still under discussion, but there are objections. In this situation, Karlsfeld now rushes forward: “We could provide one with minimal effort,” said Adrian Heim (Alliance) in the most recent council meeting. His suggestion: A parking space for mobile homes could be set up on the elevated road between the refugee accommodation and the roofing company. The administration should now check that.

“The space is currently only required as a parking lot during the settlers’ festival,” says Heim, explaining his idea, which he wrote down in a corresponding application. “The proximity to the lake, restaurants and shops would be ideal for motorhome tourists who would like to spend a night outside of a campsite.” Heim is also sure that enough holiday guests would come, after all, there would be enough attractions nearby – not least the concentration camp memorial, to which visitors from all over the world flocked.

Nevertheless, Heim met with some skepticism. “It’s a fine thing, but also a voluntary service and we can’t afford it at the moment,” reminded Beate Full (SPD) of the difficult budget situation in the community. If so, the motorhome parking space would have to be self-sufficient, she said. Bernd Wanka (CSU) also had considerable concerns as to whether the community would get such a parking space “organized cost-neutrally”. Ursula Weber (CSU) did not even see the need for Karlsfeld: “We are not a touristy place,” she said. Thomas Nuber (Greens) said that every opportunity should be used to improve the income situation of the community, but he also pointed out that the holidaymakers did not come to spend money in Karlsfeld, because “we are not a tourist attraction People want to visit Munich “. Anton Flügel (Free Voters) saw it differently: The Karlsfelder See and the shopping opportunities are definitely attractive. Incidentally, it is very central between Munich and Dachau. The community would only cost a couple of signs for such a RV park. On the other hand, it would have the advantage of appearing on the homepage that campers looked at and since vacation in caravans is currently booming, one could certainly attract holiday guests. “If you think about how to upgrade Karlsfeld, that’s definitely a way,” he said.

Heim recalled that the West Allianz, an intermunicipal association to which Karlsfeld also belongs, has been striving for tourism for a long time. “In this respect, it is not unreasonable to take care of it.” He doesn’t expect the caravan site to open in the fall. The result of an examination could also be that the project can only be implemented in two or three years, but “then we will know whether there is a way”. Mayor Stefan Kolbe (CSU), who jumped on this trend himself, already knew from his own experience: “The need is basically there.” The only question is, what do you want to afford? There are places that are even controlled, while others are only cashed in. The framework conditions have to be discussed, said Kolbe.

Wing suggested that the administration should also examine other spots in the community that make sense for such a parking space. Two local councils voted against the investigation.


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