School minister Feller apologizes for postponed Abitur exams

Feller on speculation about the cause of the error

But this long time until the cancellation gave room for a lot of speculation about the cause of the error. Feller also referred to these assumptions in front of the press. One of them was that the workflow had not been tested. According to the school minister, however, there was a test with 300 schools in autumn, especially in chemistry. A video that was suspected to be the cause of the download problems belonged to an exam. But the ministry doesn’t think that was the problem. The entire data package that the schools had to download was 480 megabytes in size.

No new high school assignments

One of the worst-case scenarios that everyone involved played out was that the Abitur could not be legally secure because some teachers are said to have tried to help each other out by passing on the task pack by email. Which is usually not particularly safe.

However, Feller emphasizes that the schools are required to keep the assignments under wraps. So far, she sees no reason to take on new tasks. Should tasks nevertheless become known among students, there are already finished, alternative tasks.

The tweet about an alleged leak of the tasks is said to be fake, that doesn’t fit the tasks, said the minister. This tweet came from the IT security expert and software developer Lilith Wittmann and led to data from a test server, which at least raises further questions.

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