School: How children learn to take responsibility – Munich

They do not agree. Not at all. A group of children feel that their teacher has treated them unfairly. Carlos says they should have drawn a picture with a tree branch and apples. “Then he said to my branch, it looks like a coat hanger! But I mean, art is art!” “We don’t think that’s okay!” says Lisbeth, some children nod. The topic moves her. In the end they will find a solution to the problem. And the idea for this will come from a student.

It’s Friday morning and class 5b at the Theodolinden-Gymnasium in Untergiesing-Harlaching is holding its class council. Teacher Susanne Inkiow sits with them in a circle of chairs, is only allowed to speak when called upon and otherwise has the role of listening and letting the children do what they want. A role that is not easy for her with today’s topic, in the end she has three lines on the list of heckling. One, because right at the beginning she reminds you that the class council decided last week to clean up the window sills. And notes that it hasn’t happened yet. Introducing a class council, that was her idea. She knew that from her previous school, a private one. And the children, she says, thought the suggestion was great.

The bake sale idea

“We really like the class council,” says Lisbeth. “Everyone really gets involved, and only we kids do that.” Her classmate Lea tells how, shortly after Russian troops invaded Ukraine, they discussed, decided on and organized a bake sale during the break in the class council. “We all wanted to help.” And it worked, they took in more than 1,000 euros and donated them to the people of Ukraine.

“They were so proud after the bake sale,” says Susanne Inkiow. Other classes also started selling cakes in favor of Ukraine during the break – but the idea came from 5b. “They have become more emancipated through the class council. Although they are fifth graders, they don’t feel like the very youngest. They are there, they have an opinion and get involved in school life.”

Class council in the 5b. For once, Susanne Inkiow only has the role of a listener.

(Photo: Stephan Rumpf)

The Theodolinden-Gymnasium is a municipal grammar school, 1000 students study here, the school is designed for 750. You notice that in some places, for example when a cluster of students forms in front of the screen on which a table is scrolling, in which class which hours are cancelled. Or because the classes don’t have their rooms to themselves, but are occasionally occupied by other classes.

The teachers’ room has three doors, that’s how big it is; 110 teachers teach at the school. Principal Werner Ziegler speaks of a mixed student body: here you have children from wealthy families, children from socially disadvantaged families, children with a migration background, children from around 40 nations. The first student representative, says Werner Ziegler, is a refugee boy from Syria.

This school year they introduced a class council in all fifth grades, it’s a test run. The evaluation will be carried out in the summer and the plan is to continue in the coming school year. In addition, there will soon be a school parliament. “The students should have a say and experience each other as a community,” says Werner Ziegler. “Your rights are rather limited in a school anyway. Wherever possible, they should have a say. That way they live democracy. They learn everyday skills. It’s school for life.”

Trouble with the art teacher

Class 5b has a one-hour class council once a week, which is firmly anchored in the timetable. They push the tables to the edge of the classroom, sit in a circle of chairs and first decide who will chair the meeting as the president, who will be the vice-president, who will ensure that the rules are followed, who will take the minutes, who will pay attention to them that the time allotted for each topic is not exceeded – and who draws the lines on the blackboard for those who intervene without speaking up.

Arozo is president this time, she’s doing it for the first time. The girl stands in front, listens to the topic suggestions, briefly outlines the subject of window sills: They could be cleaned up right after the class council, but there is a break. “Then you lose so much time cleaning up,” she says. Also, they’re probably writing an ex in the next lesson in nature and technology. After the sixth lesson, it doesn’t fit too well either because they have nature and technology in a different room. Difficult.

Next decision: Table tennis will not be discussed this time. They focus on one issue: that some students feel that their art teacher doesn’t take them seriously. He said her pictures were ugly, some say. You recently drew up a paper with your allegations, and almost everyone in the class signed it. One says: “Teachers can’t get reprimands, I think that’s unfair!” Anna is of the opinion that there shouldn’t be any grades at all in art. And Jannis says: “You have to understand him, he just tells the truth. If the picture is ugly, then that’s the way it is. He doesn’t want to offend you!”

“I might have a solution to the problem”

The children discuss, Susanne Inkiow sits between them in a circle of chairs, listening. “The issues are there,” she says later. “They smolder, lie around and get in the way. In normal school life there is little space to discuss them. But if there is a class council once a week, then that is the opportunity to talk about these issues and find solutions .” She says she wants her students to care about things. “It feels different when you can get involved.”

Getting involved, speaking your mind, being heard: All of this was far too rarely possible for children and young people during the pandemic. Adding to the psychological distress children and young people have suffered during the pandemic has been the feeling that their concerns are not being heard. This is shown, among other things, by the JuCo studies by the universities of Frankfurt and Hildesheim, in which young people were asked about their experiences in the corona pandemic. In the third study in December 2021, the majority said they felt they could not influence political decisions.

However, the studies also state that even before the pandemic, the opportunities for young people to participate were not satisfactory.

In the 5b class council, Julia, who took the minutes, reports after a while. “I might have a solution to the problem,” she says after President Arozo called her out. “How about we talk to the teacher about it? Maybe he doesn’t even know that it hurts us when he says something like that.”

The children discuss the idea and think it’s good. They are still unsure about the details. Should only the two class representatives Emmanouela and Moritz go to the teacher and address the topic? Should everyone else come along, but only the two of them should talk? Or do they all go together and everyone can say what bothers them?

The windowsill is adjourned

Susanne Inkiow is convinced: “If I have a voice that is heard and taken seriously, then I have to relate to what is happening around me.” The children develop a different appreciation of the world and of others. “And of course I do the class council in the hope that they will later contribute to the world.”

The hour is almost over, no decision has been made yet. Moritz warns that they must stop immediately. It’s gong, some jump up. “We’re not done yet!” exclaims Ms. Inkiow. And Arozo shouts: “People, quiet!” And adds: “I would say we postpone it.”

That’s how they do it, then push back the tables and benches, pack their backpacks and run into the playground.

The window sills are still not tidied up after the sixth lesson, as the class council’s decision from last week actually envisages. Maybe next week. Unless something more important comes up.

With this series, the SZ wants to take a look at topics that determine the everyday life of schoolchildren and teachers – in addition to the lessons. Three classes in three different schools gave a glimpse into their classrooms: a 6th class at the middle school on Toni-Pfülf-Strasse in Feldmoching-Hasenbergl, a 5th class at the Theodolinden-Gymnasium in Untergiesing-Harlaching and a 5th class at the Elly-Heuss-Realschule in Ramersdorf-Perlach. A total of six parts of the series were created, on the topics: media addiction, homeland, friendship, responsibility, bullying and the pressure of notes.

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