Scholz’s government statement: “We must re-establish confidence”

Status: 26.06.2024 15:16

Right-wing populist election successes as a “turning point”: In a government statement, Chancellor Scholz called for more confidence as an antidote. He also addressed domestic policy issues such as the budget and citizens’ income.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz has described the result of the European elections, with the rise of right-wing populist parties, as a “watershed moment”. Before the two upcoming EU and NATO summits, the SPD politician said in a government statement in the Bundestag that the fact that so many crises had simultaneously called into question trust and a sense of security had an impact. We must face up to this.

There must be more confidence in Germany and Europe again. “Where confidence is lacking, we must re-establish it,” said Scholz. “There will be no return to the good old days, which were usually never that good.” Instead, a political perspective is needed.

No competition with the populists

What it is not about is a “competition with populists and extremists”. It is about answers to the issue. Germany is an open society that sticks together.

The Chancellor expressed concern that many people in the European elections had voted for parties that questioned the EU and NATO. In Germany, this was “a party that is making common cause with the proposals of the Russian President.” But three out of four voters also do not support populist and extremist forces.

Sharp criticism of BSW and AfD

In his speech, Scholz sharply criticized the boycott of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selenskyj’s speech to the Bundestag two weeks ago by the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW) and most AfD MPs: “That was wrong, that was cowardly and unworthy of this House.” All BSW and AfD MPs except for four MPs stayed away from the speech.

In the Bundestag, Scholz also rejected the conditions for a ceasefire set by Putin, which include Ukraine giving up the Crimean peninsula and large parts of eastern Ukraine. “Anyone who believes that (…) Ukraine would survive this and that this would lead to lasting peace in Europe must be watching a lot of Russia Today,” he said. Putin is continuing to rely entirely on war and rearmament. “Nobody can ignore that.”

“Citizens do not expect a dispute over positions”

As far as filling the most important EU posts after the European elections is concerned, Scholz urged a quick implementation following the agreement between the conservatives, social democrats and liberals. “We cannot afford to be left hanging in these difficult times,” he said. “The citizens do not expect a dispute over posts, but rather quick work.”

The three party families had agreed that Ursula von der Leyen of the CDU should remain Commission President and that the liberal Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas should be given the post of EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs. The Social Democrat and former Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa is to be elected President of the body of heads of state and government. “In my view, these are good appointments and clear decisions for a good European future,” said Scholz. The basic agreement still has to be finalized at the EU summit that begins tomorrow.

Draft budget still in July

In his speech, which was at times very combative, Scholz also addressed domestic policy issues. He expressed his conviction that the federal government will be able to agree on a draft for the 2025 federal budget in the coming weeks: “We will present the draft budget in July,” said Scholz. The discussions on this are very collegial and fact-based. “We have clear priorities,” Scholz emphasized. There should be no cuts in social justice, care or pensions.

Scholz, Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck (Greens) and Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) had originally planned to make a cabinet decision on the 2025 budget on July 3.

The “Forward movement get it done”

With regard to economic development, the Chancellor referred to the so-called dynamization package, which will bring more growth. The government will therefore continue its investment offensive. The conditions for work will also become more attractive. “All of these are things that are part of achieving this forward movement.”

In order to stimulate economic growth, there should be, among other things, better conditions for people who want to continue working after retirement. He also hinted at simplifications in tax law, reduction of bureaucracy and improved depreciation rules.

The Chancellor also responded to calls for reforms to the citizen’s income. It is unacceptable that some people receive citizen’s income and at the same time work illegally. The government will ensure by law “that this does not continue to happen”.

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