Scholz in the Bundestag: “Very, very many unvaccinated people will get sick”

Bundestag debate on Corona
Scholz warns: “Very, very many of those who are not vaccinated will get sick”

“Get vaccinated, it is important for your health and it is important for our country”: Olaf Scholz during the debate on the traffic light corona plans in the Bundestag

© Kay Nietfeld / DPA

Ever new records for corona infections and a thousand times more severe courses are putting politicians under pressure. Now the traffic light partners and Olaf Scholz have presented their proposals in the Bundestag.

The Bundestag discussed the future corona containment measures planned by the traffic light groups for the first time. After weeks of public restraint, the incumbent Vice Chancellor and SPD candidate for Chancellor Olaf Scholz also spoke. In view of the dramatic corona situation, he announced that he wanted to prepare Germany for winter with sufficient measures. “We have to make our country winter-proof, so to speak,” said Scholz about the introduction of the plans of the possible future traffic light coalition. “The virus is still among us and threatens the health of citizens.” Therefore, things like mask requirements and hygiene rules should be able to continue to be enforced.

Scholz appeals: “Get vaccinated”

Scholz also spoke out in favor of a “big joint campaign” for more vaccinations. He warned: “Very, very many of those who are not vaccinated will get sick” and appealed to the people: “Get vaccinated! It is important for your health and it is important for our country.” Everything must be done “that millions of citizens get a booster – that is the task of the next weeks and months”. In addition, 3G should be introduced at the workplace, i.e. access only for vaccinated, convalescent and tested people. “This is a necessary improvement.”

In addition, free tests are to be introduced again. “We will create the conditions for there to be free tests again,” announced the presumably future Chancellor.

Scholz announced a Prime Minister’s conference on the corona situation for the coming week. He was in agreement with the Executive Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on this. The federal and state governments should talk about the implementation of the corona protective measures.

Brinkhaus criticizes “completely wrong signal”

Union faction leader Ralph Brinkhaus attacked the plans of the SPD, FDP and the Greens. The planned expiry of the “epidemic situation of national scope” established by Parliament as the legal basis for corona measures is “denial of reality” in view of the increasing numbers, said the CDU politician in his speech. This sends “the completely wrong signal” in terms of communication. This is telling people it’s not that bad anymore, although one needs to be more careful now.

Brinkhaus also criticized the new legal basis for restrictions envisaged by the prospective coalition partners. This would deprive the countries of options for action in the crisis. In view of the dramatic corona numbers, the CDU politician warned that nursing home residents and children and young people would be protected.

Göring-Eckardt calls criticism of the Union “shabby”

The Green parliamentary group leader Katrin Göring-Eckardt defended the traffic light plans against the opposition attacks. She spoke of a “dramatic situation”. Measures are therefore necessary that are both effective and legally secure. In the fight against Corona, it does not make sense to pass regulations that would then be overturned by the courts.

The criticism of the CDU and CSU rejected Goering-Eckardt as “shabby” and “irresponsible”. The designated traffic light partners would have to catch up a lot, because “nothing had been prepared” by the previous Union-led government.

AfD complains “lack of freedom and coercion”

AfD parliamentary group vice-president Sebastian Munzenmaier criticized the draft law as “ideas of bondage and coercion”. Although the epidemic situation of national scope is to expire, Germany could not celebrate “Freedom Day”, complained Münzenmaier: “You are canceling the epidemic situation, but the measures should remain.”

The deputy AfD parliamentary group leader turned against an expansion of the 2G rule. It is only about “vaccination pressure”, not about protection against infection, because those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered could also be contagious. Vaccination, however, is a voluntary decision and must take place without direct or indirect compulsion.

Left criticizes “symbolism”

The left in the Bundestag warned of “empty promises” about an early end to the corona pandemic. Of course, the states would have to take further measures, said parliamentary group vice-president Susanne Ferschl. With the planned end of the special legal situation for restrictions, the SPD, Greens and FDP also pursued symbolic politics. This should not lead to people being led to believe that all measures will be over in March 2022.

In the fourth corona wave it is now the fourth time “that those responsible wait until the wave hits them”. It was an absurd decision to abolish free rapid tests for everyone for the time being. You have to test more, not less. Ferschl also criticized insufficient vaccination speed. In the case of plans to introduce access rules only for vaccinated, convalescent and tested people (3G) in the workplace, data protection must be observed. It cannot be that the employer inquires about the vaccination status.

The prospective traffic light partners want, against Merkel’s will, to let the epidemic situation of national scope expire on November 25th. This legal basis for corona restrictions is to be replaced by a smaller catalog of possible measures that the countries can take. The law is to be passed in the Bundestag next week and then has to pass the Bundesrat, in which the traffic light parties do not have a majority.


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