Scholz in China: The Chancellor says at least what is necessary – opinion

In Beijing, the chancellor publicly addressed the issues of Ukraine, Taiwan and isolation. There is no need to hope that the words will have an effect.

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Daniel Brossler

In the chaotic, dangerous world of 2022, it’s often single words that promise a touch of normalcy. Inaugural visit is such a word. In terms of protocol, Olaf Scholz did in fact make an inaugural visit to Beijing, but the special emphasis on this fact before the start of the trip was of course of political importance and intended to lighten the weight of the Chancellor’s luggage, which was laden with meaning. As understandable as this attempt was, it was just as hopeless. Scholz wanted to get an impression of the new situation in China. But what will remain above all is the impression that Scholz leaves – in China, but also in the world.

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