Scholz explains decision to supply weapons to Ukraine – The situation at a glance

War in Ukraine

Updated on 04.06.2024, 05:49

To defend the border region of Kharkiv, Ukraine is allowed to fire German weapons at Russian targets. Chancellor Scholz defends this decision. An overview of the night’s events.

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Chancellor Olaf Scholz sees no danger in his recent change of course in Ukraine policy. “In this matter, we are sure that it will not contribute to an escalation, because as the American President has also described it is only about ensuring that a large city like Kharkiv can be defended,” said the SPD politician in an interview with Antenne Bayern on Monday. “And I think it is clear to everyone that this must be possible.” Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck regretted that Scholz did not change course sooner. At the same time, however, he defended the decision.

Government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit On Friday, the Chancellor announced that Ukraine, which has been attacked by Russia, is now allowed to fire weapons supplied by Germany against military targets in Russia. The day before, the US government had given Ukraine permission to use American weapons on a limited scale against targets on Russian territory.

The opposition is nevertheless demanding a statement from the Chancellor on this change in Ukraine policy. This is one of the reasons why Scholz (SPD) wants to make a government statement on the current security situation in the Bundestag this Thursday.

Habeck defends change of course

Habeck told the “Augsburger Allgemeine” (Tuesday) that Ukraine must be allowed to prevent attacks from Russia in order to better protect the lives of children, women and men. To prohibit them from doing so would mean the death of more people. “The regulation now affects a precisely defined local region around Kharkiv. For self-defense, for protection. But it is also true that everything we decided could have been decided more quickly.”

At the same time, the Green politician defended Scholz against the accusation of hesitation. “Hesitation is the wrong word. Extremely difficult decisions have to be made and that is why it is good to weigh things up carefully,” said Habeck. “In this case, the right decision was made.”

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) and Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) signaled some time ago that they were open to lifting restrictions. The SPD, as the largest coalition partner in the traffic light coalition, warns against a direct confrontation with Russia if the Kremlin views military aid as an aggressive act.

US Vice President Harris attends Ukraine peace summit

US Vice President Kamala Harris will attend the Ukraine Peace Summit, which is scheduled to take place in Switzerland on June 15 and 16. Harris will underscore the US government’s commitment to “supporting Ukraine in its efforts to achieve a just and lasting peace,” the White House said. US President Joe Biden’s security adviser Jake Sullivan will accompany Harris on the trip.

According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, more than 100 states and organizations have confirmed their participation in the summit. The meeting in Bürgenstock near Lucerne, to which Russia is not invited, is intended to mobilize more international support for the attacked Ukraine. Zelensky had previously made an emotional appeal for Biden’s personal participation in the summit. US media, however, had already reported at the end of May that Biden would be attending a campaign event in Los Angeles, California, at the time of the summit.

Soldiers’ wives protest in front of Russian Defense Ministry

Wives and mothers of Russian soldiers demonstrated in Moscow for the return of the men from the war zone in Ukraine. Photos and videos were published on social networks showing almost two dozen women, some with small children, on the sidewalk in front of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Several demonstrators had brought signs with slogans such as “It’s time for the mobilized to return home” and “Please bring daddy home!” Public anti-war actions are very rare in Russia in view of massive state repression. (dpa/tas)

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