Schloss Meseberg: A trio and the power of images

Status: 08/31/2022 6:14 p.m

At the cabinet meeting in Meseberg, the traffic light wanted to show that it had come together again. But what is appearance? And in the end do you really have more than just beautiful pictures?

An analysis by Cosima Gill, ARD capital studio

Every time the brown front door of the baroque castle opens, the photographers position themselves. The traffic light trio of Scholz, Lindner and Habeck is eagerly awaited. It is still unclear what content the third relief package could contain. The pressure on the government is great: energy and electricity prices are rising for consumers, while reliefs such as the fuel discount and the 9-euro ticket expire on September 1st.

Then they come out of the castle. The trio is purposefully heading for three lecterns. But the traffic light didn’t work as coordinated as it appears now. “I have the impression that this joint appearance is an attempt to return to togetherness in order to overcome the coalition dispute after a few weeks,” says political scientist Julia Reuschenbach from Freie Universität Berlin. Such an appearance is also about the power of the images. “But every picture only works if it works together in terms of content,” says Reuschenbach.

“We’re still working on the relief package,” Kristin Becker, ARD Berlin, on the government’s reaction to rising energy prices

Tagesschau 3:00 p.m., August 31, 2022

Constructive and friendly?

Every movement, every nod, every gesture is carefully analyzed and evaluated by the journalists. Before the crisis meeting in Meseberg, there were discrepancies in the traffic lights, including the gas surcharge, clear criticism of the Minister of Economics and also the Chancellor.

But Scholz was optimistic at the final press conference: “The government works very well together, as you could also experience sensually here in Meseberg.” The Chancellor describes the interaction as friendly and constructive. As if the Economics Minister wanted to make that clear at the press conference, he defended the Chancellor on a critical question and emphasized how good it was that Scholz was leading the government. Habeck emphasizes his experience, prudence and calmness.

“Such an appearance is a signal to the outside world, but also to your own ranks, if you express your trust in one another. It is a signal to your own party members that moderation is the order of the day in order to tackle the major challenges together to cope with,” says Reuschenbach.

Chancellor Scholz also sees the fact that the public has not yet heard so many details about a third relief package as a sign of confidential cooperation.

“A Government of Deeds”

In terms of communication, the traffic light trio is clearly trying to make a harmonious impression during the press conference. However, there still seem to be a few unanswered questions regarding the content of a third relief package. “My impression is: you haven’t finished negotiating yet,” says Monika Schnitzer. She sees it as a sign of rapprochement that Lindner is no longer so closed to a successor to the 9-euro ticket.

Scholz speaks of a “government of action”. But instead of action, there have so far been numerous announcements of a third relief package. concrete? none. According to Schnitzer, two weeks are not important, but: “There must be a clear signal, something is going to happen. Otherwise, people will be unsettled. Nothing is worse than when people are worried, it’s really bad and you help not them.”

Waking again?

The traffic light trio tries to make it clear what is supposed to happen. Finance Minister Lindner announces a relief package that is “massive”. This year is a possible scope, in a single-digit billion range and in the coming year in a double-digit billion range. That won’t be enough this year, Schnitzer fears. She assumes that a third relief package would have to support around a third of households.

And especially when it comes to the question of financing, the coalition peace could start to falter again: “We know that the three parties are above all close in socio-political terms. But it was already clear when the alliance was formed that financial policy in particular would be the litmus test “, says political scientist Reuschenbach.

In Meseberg it becomes clear that the traffic light can at least give the impression that everything is running smoothly. After the press conference, the three top politicians say goodbye. Turn around together and run back towards the castle. Will it continue in a coordinated way in terms of content?

Traffic light coalition promises tailor-made relief package

Mario Kubina, ARD Berlin, August 31, 2022 1:10 p.m

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