“Schipperhus”: Restaurant does not serve children under twelve

“Unpleasant Events”
Restaurant on the Baltic Sea locks out children under the age of twelve

Children under the age of twelve must stay outside in the “Schipperhus” restaurant in Dierhagen (symbol photo)

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Children under the age of twelve are no longer welcome in the “Schipperhus” restaurant on the Baltic Sea. According to the owner, more and more guests have complained about badly behaved children. The case is a topic of conversation on the Internet.

The “Schipperhaus” in Dierhagen in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania has been criticized. The reason: the restaurant on the Baltic Sea has banned children under the age of twelve. “Dear guests, due to many unpleasant events in the past, we have decided to no longer serve families with children under the age of 12. The Schipperhus team,” reads a notice in the restaurant. There is also a corresponding note on the website.

According to owner Ricarda Biebl, the reason for the drastic measure was the bad behavior of some children, as reported by “Bild am Sonntag”. According to this, a couple from Munich had their three-year-old child with them, who suddenly drew with colored pencils on the walls and ran up and down the table barefoot with sandy legs and threw pasta with tomato sauce against the wall. For a long time she struggled with whether she should take such drastic measures.

The owner of the “Schipperhus” reports personal attacks

But not only the bad behavior of the children was a reason to pull the rip cord, but also that of the parents. “What really bothers me is that my service staff personally, or I too, are personally attacked when we draw the parents’ attention to their children’s misconduct,” says owner Ricarda Biehl in an interview with RTL. “And that doesn’t work at all.”

The children would keep walking in front of the feet of the employees when they were being served. “The parents, who should actually be careful and say ‘stop, stop’, usually sit in front of their smartphones or just go outside and have a smoke and leave the children alone,” reports a waitress.

The decision sparked discussion online

The decision sparked heated debates online. While some express their displeasure, others show understanding. A user writes on Twitter: “Anyone who behaves so asocially towards families shouldn’t be surprised if there are no more customers. Then please cry quietly because you’ve spoiled the soup for yourself. Your ex-customers.” Another finds it “a shame the restaurant doesn’t have the capacity to make it kid-friendly! Maybe it means little flexibility and desire.” Another Twitter user says: “Germany… child hatred en vogue. I’ve never experienced anything like it anywhere else.”

But many can also understand Biebl’s decision: “Dear Schipperhus team, everything was done right. Nobody has to put up with it,” it says or: “We’ll remember it for our next restaurant visit. Finally eat in peace without tiring parents and their children. Unfortunately, there are only a few people left who can raise their children….”. A woman writes: “You are absolutely right… what you experience during a relaxed visit to a restaurant with screaming, raging children often leaves you speechless”.

Despite all the excitement, Biebl, who has children herself, wants to stick to the house ban for children under the age of twelve: “There is nothing to shake about the decision, no matter how much I’m insulted now”.

Sources: RTL, “Picture on Sunday”


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