Scarlett Johansson and Co.: These celebrities don’t trust AI

Scarlett Johansson and co.
These celebrities don’t trust AI

Actress Scarlett Johansson is currently in the midst of a controversy surrounding artificial intelligence.

© Cubankite/

Not everyone is happy about the evolution of artificial intelligence. Why stars like Scarlett Johansson and Tom Hanks are worried.

The topic of artificial intelligence is not new for celebrities. But as technology advances, many problems become more intense. At the core, it often comes down to the question: Who owns the rights to publicly available content? Most recently, it was acting superstar Scarlett Johansson (39), who threatened OpenAI with legal consequences, but the technology is now affecting the entire entertainment industry. How Hollywood celebrities view AI.

The bone of contention for Johansson was the enormous similarity of her own voice to that of GPT-4o at its presentationThe actress was convinced that she heard herself dubbing in the film “Her” (2013). OpenAI has denied this and published a statement explaining the criteria by which the voice actors were selected. In addition, the Documents provided to the Washington Postwhich are supposed to prove that a different voice actress was used for the job. Although legal action can perhaps still be averted here, the problem seems to be here to stay.

While in the case of OpenAI at least a company operates that is approachable for artists like Johansson, celebrities can do little against criminals equipped with artificial intelligence. One of the most prominent examples is probably the actress Jennifer Lawrence (33), of whom nude photos were illegally obtained years ago and deepfake pornography also exists. She told the Hollywood Reporter in 2017She feels abused by the entire planet. The people affected usually have no direct recourse other than filing a complaint against an unknown person.

Tom Hanks has been warning about the consequences of AI for some time

Actor Tom Hanks (67) warned about this possibility a good year ago. in the “Adam Buxton” podcast warned. At the time, he raised the question of who actually owns the rights to one’s own image if artificial intelligence is able to recreate actors and actresses again and again – even long after their death.

The industry has not yet found an answer to this question. Celebrities and the public must instead rely on the sense of responsibility of AI companies, which then temporarily hold back certain products. This is currently the case with the video AI Sora from OpenAI, which has already been presented and has been in testing for several months, but which many people are also afraid of. Hollywood producer Tyler Perry (54), for example, immediately after the presentation of Sora halted an $800 million expansion of its studio.

Nicolas Cage: “AI is a nightmare”

Nicolas Cage (59) also noticed how far technology has already progressed during his last “Superman” filming. He reports in a Interview with “Yahoo” that he had only stood in a room for an hour and watched the end of the universe in his role as Kal-El.

In the finished film, he saw himself fighting a giant spider and was surprised to say: “I’ve never done that.” According to Cage, the technology does not (yet) involve the use of AI, but rather CGI (Computer Generated Imagery), but Cage still has a strange feeling when looking to the future: “AI is a nightmare for me. It is so inhuman. It can’t really get more inhuman than AI.”


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