Saving heating costs: You can save a small fortune with these tricks

See in the video: You can save a lot of money on heating with these four simple tricks.

When it gets cold, we turn up the heating at home. But heating can be quite expensive. With these four tips you can heat and ventilate effectively – and save money.
1. Free radiators: Heaters can only release their heat evenly into the room if nothing stands in the way. Upholstered furniture or hanging curtains increase heating costs by up to five percent.
2. Ventilate correctly: “Cross-ventilation” is best through opposite windows or rooms. A large part of the room air is exchanged in the powerful air flow after just a few minutes. Ventilation with tilted windows, on the other hand, is not effective.
3. Bulkheads tight: Keep shutters, shutters and curtains closed at night, because they improve the insulation value of the windows – especially when the outside temperature is low.
4. Warm water is pure energy: We use almost 13 percent of the energy consumed at home to heat water. So the hot full bath is a precious pleasure that you should do without. It is better to take a short shower with an economy shower head. In this way you use ten times less water and heating energy.
So you are warm in autumn and winter without having to worry about the heating bill.

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