SA slogan: Björn Höcke, the second – Politics

The AfD politician is back in court, again for a potentially criminal statement. A verdict should actually have been handed down, but open questions are holding up the trial. For example, how to interpret Höcke’s arm movement.

On Wednesday at around 1 p.m., the tone in the Halle district court briefly became rougher. Public prosecutor Benedikt Bernzen had just submitted an application to include a video of Björn Höcke from last Monday as evidence. In it, the AfD chairman in Thuringia explained before the start of the trial that these “political show trials” would be dealt with as soon as the party, which is classified as right-wing radical in the state, was in power. There would then be a “neutral judiciary” again. Public prosecutor Bernzen compared these statements by Höcke in the video with an attitude that was known from the times of National Socialism and the GDR.

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