“Rust” tragedy: Alec Baldwin’s next lawsuit

“Rust” tragedy
Next lawsuit against Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin was sued again.

© F Sadou / AdMedia / ImageCollect

After the fatal shot on the set of the film “Rust”, Alec Baldwin has been sued again. A crew member makes serious allegations.

There is another lawsuit against Alec Baldwin (63) and other producers and employees of the film “Rust”. While filming the western in New Mexico, cinematographer Halyna Hutchins (1979-2021) died from a gunshot wound in October. A gun that lead actor Baldwin was rehearsing on set was apparently loaded with live ammunition.

Mamie Mitchell, who worked as a script supervisor on the film, filed a lawsuit on Wednesday, according to US media reports. In it, she claims that the script allegedly did not provide for the actor to fire the shot that killed Hutchins and injured director Joel Souza, 48.

Mitchell was standing near Baldwin

“Alec Baldwin deliberately released the loaded gun and fired the loaded weapon for no good reason or excuse, even though the impending scene to be filmed did not require the arm to be released and fired,” said Mitchell.

According to the lawsuit, Mitchell was reportedly standing near Baldwin when he fired the gun. As a result, she has suffered “severe physical trauma and shocks and injuries” as well as “extreme psychological, physical” pain and suffering.

Another lawsuit

About a week ago, another lawsuit was filed against Baldwin, the film’s producers, gunsmith Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, and assistant director Dave Halls. The chief lighting technician Serge Svetnoy accuses them of negligence. Svetnoy claims that each of the parties named in the lawsuit failed to implement and comply with “industry standards” for the control of firearms used on the film set. “There was no need to put live ammunition in that Colt revolver anywhere on the set, and the presence of a bullet in a revolver posed a lethal threat to anyone around,” the lawsuit said.

According to “TMZ”, Svetnoy further explains in the lawsuit that Baldwin was obliged to check the revolver “when handling Halls to ensure that it did not contain live ammunition”. He himself narrowly escaped injury in the fatal incident, the film crew member said. The accident had a heavy emotional burden on him.

It is not yet clear how live ammunition got into the gun that Baldwin fired. The assistant director Dave Halls had handed it to the actor and explained that it was a “cold gun” without live ammunition. The production employee later stated to the police that he had not checked the weapon closely enough. At a press conference in late October, District Attorney Carmack-Altwies said it was too early to bring charges.


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