Russia’s war against Ukraine: ++ Several regions without power after rocket attacks ++

live blog

Status: 03/09/2023 04:31 a.m

Several Ukrainian regions are without power after Russian missile attacks. The US has seized a plane belonging to the Russian oil company Rosneft. All developments in the live blog.

4:43 a.m

Zelenskyy: Bakhmut is of crucial strategic importance

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has defended the decision to keep his troops in the hard-fought eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut. In the Russian war of aggression against his country, Bakhmut is of decisive strategic importance, Zelenskyj said in an exclusive interview with the US television channel CNN. “They could go on after Bakhmut. They could go to Kramatorsk, to Sloviansk,” Zelensky said, referring to the Russian attackers. Should Bakhmut fall, the Russians would have the option to go to other parts of the country, said Selenskyj. “That’s why our boys are there.”

4:31 a.m

US seizes plane belonging to Russian oil company Rosneft

The United States has obtained an order from a US district court in New York to confiscate a Boeing plane belonging to the Russian oil company Rosneft. The Justice Department said the plane could be detained at $25 million for violations of export controls and sanctions against Russia.

4:31 a.m

Several Ukrainian regions without power after Russian missile strikes

According to Ukrainian sources, Russian attacks lead to power outages in several areas of the country. The Black Sea port city of Odessa and the second largest city in Ukraine, Kharkiv, are among those affected. A massive rocket attack hit a power plant in the port city, the governor of the Odessa region announced on Telegram. Residential areas were also hit, but there were no injuries. Kharkiv region governor Oleg Sinegubov said the city and region were hit by 15 attacks, which also damaged infrastructure.

conflicting parties as a source

In the current situation, information on the course of the war, shelling and casualties provided by official bodies of the Russian and Ukrainian conflict parties cannot be directly checked by an independent body.

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