Russian war of aggression: SPD politicians open to Taurus cruise missiles for Ukraine

Russian war of aggression
SPD politicians open to Taurus cruise missiles for Ukraine

“I share the defense minister’s assessment”: Nils Schmid. photo

© Christoph Soeder/dpa

Voices are increasing in the SPD that no longer categorically rule out the delivery of Taurus missiles to Ukraine. The decisive factor is that Kiev takes over the target programming itself.

In view of the demands from Ukraine for Taurus cruise missiles, SPD politicians have shown that they are open to a possible future delivery.

“I do not rule out that we will also supply other systems such as Taurus in conjunction with the Americans,” said the foreign policy spokesman for the SPD parliamentary group, Nils Schmid, to the Tagesspiegel. “Before that, it has to be ensured that the Ukrainians themselves can do the target programming and not Bundeswehr soldiers – that would bring us dangerously close to direct participation in the war.” Schmid currently sees no need for a decision. “I share the Secretary of Defense’s assessment.”

SPD budget politician speaks of imminent “déjà vu”

The SPD budget politician Andreas Schwarz was more specific: The counter-offensive is stalling, Ukraine does not have a significant air force to support it, he told the “Spiegel”. “That leaves only guided missiles such as Taurus cruise missiles, with which the Ukrainian army could overcome the minefields laid by the Russians and retake territory.” The country needs Taurus-type air-to-surface cruise missiles. Schwarz spoke of an imminent “déjà vu”: “As with the tank issue, we are now refusing to hand over important equipment that will probably be delivered in the end.”

From the ranks of the coalition partners FDP and Greens there are also votes for a Taurus delivery. “The range of the Taurus weapons is not an unsolvable problem,” said Green Party defense politician Agnieszka Brugger to “Spiegel” and suggested an agreement with Kiev, for example to exempt certain areas. The FDP defense politician Marcus Faber also told the “Tagesspiegel”: “The geodata of the Taurus cruise missiles can be programmed in such a way that they can only be used in a specific area.” But that’s not necessary: ​​”Ukraine has so far adhered to the requirement to only use Western weapon systems on its own territory with impressive discipline.”


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