Russian war of aggression: Moscow announces changes in its nuclear doctrine

Russian war of aggression
Moscow announces changes in its nuclear doctrine

Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov (archive photo). Photo

© Richard Drew/AP/dpa

Moscow keeps threatening the possible use of nuclear weapons. So far, however, the Russian nuclear doctrine has set a narrow framework for this. Now it is likely to be changed.

Against the background of his According to the Foreign Ministry, Russia is planning to change its nuclear doctrine in response to the war of aggression against Ukraine. The experience of the “military special operation” and the behavior of the West have shown that some parameters described in the military doctrine need to be adjusted – including the policy of nuclear deterrence, said Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov, according to Russian news agencies. He did not want to comment in more detail.

According to Ryabkov, the new wording is related to the fact that the international situation is becoming increasingly complicated. He said that work on the changes is not yet complete. There is also no time frame for the completion of a new doctrine.

The current Russian nuclear doctrine states that Moscow can use nuclear weapons in two cases: in the event of a nuclear attack on Russia or if an attack with conventional weapons threatens the country’s existence. The vague definition has prompted some hardliners to urge the Kremlin to tighten the doctrine in order to force the West to take the warnings more seriously.


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