Russian war of aggression: After atrocities in Bucha: Putin honors Russian soldiers

Russian war of aggression
After atrocities in Bucha: Putin honors Russian soldiers

A woman stands next to coffins during the exhumation of a mass grave in Bucha. Photo: Emilio Morenatti/AP/dpa

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The images of the civilians killed in Bucha had caused horror around the world. Kremlin chief Putin is now honoring the Russian soldiers who carried out the “special military operation” there.

After the withdrawal of Russian troops from the Ukrainian city of Bucha, President Vladimir Putin honored soldiers who served there.

The Kremlin chief paid tribute to the 64th motorized rifle brigade in Moscow on Monday for special merits, heroism and bravery, as the Kremlin announced. The images of slain Ukrainian civilians from the suburbs of the capital Kyiv caused horror around the world earlier this month. A total of more than 400 bodies were found in Bucha, some with their hands tied behind their backs.

Allegations of the most serious war crimes

Ukraine is therefore accusing the Russian soldiers of the most serious war crimes. The Ukrainian secret service spoke of “mass murder” committed by members of the 64th Motorized Rifle Brigade of the 35th Army of the Russian Federation. Russia denies having anything to do with the atrocities. International investigations are now underway. There are numerous calls for those responsible to be brought before an international court.

According to the Kremlin, Putin praised the “skilled and decisive actions” of the soldiers in the course of the “special military operation”, as the war is called in Russia. They had shown courage and high professionalism in an exemplary manner. “I am convinced that you soldiers and officers are guards, will continue to keep the oath, serve the homeland with honor and reliably protect the security and peaceful life of our citizens,” the president was quoted as saying.


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