Russian President: Kremlin cancels major Putin press conference

Russia’s President
Kremlin cancels major Putin press conference

Vladimir Putin at his annual press conference last year. photo

© Alexander Zemlianichenko/AP/dpa

It was always the big appearance of the Kremlin chief Putin in front of Russian and foreign media representatives – the big annual press conference. This is now the first time in ten years. Observers suspect a specific reason.

For the first time in ten years, Russian President Vladimir Putin is not inviting the international media to the traditional annual press conference this December.

“As for the big press conference, no, there won’t be one until the New Year,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, according to the Interfax agency. He didn’t give a reason. Observers are convinced that Putin wants to avoid questions from international journalists this year – given the war against Ukraine that has been going on for more than nine months, where his army has suffered repeated defeats.

The New Year’s reception in the Kremlin is also to be cancelled. In the meantime, it is questionable whether there will be a national television consultation hour, “Direct Line,” where citizens can usually bring complaints to Putin personally every year. There is also no date for Putin’s annual speech to the two chambers of parliament.

“The more strength and energy Putin spends on “global” issues, the less he wants to waste on “little things” like the direct line or press conferences,” political scientist Tatyana Stanovaya wrote on Telegram. “For the external audience he can also say everything he thinks necessary, there is a reason. But he sees no point in communicating with the audience in the country. Let the subordinates do it…”


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