Russian logistics destroyed: Zelenskyj praises his army’s “strong results”.

Russian logistics destroyed
Zelenskyj praises his army’s “strong results”.

The Ukrainian armed forces have been fiercely resisting the Russian invaders for months. Again and again, the defenders succeed in sensitive counterattacks. President Selenskyj praises the successful attacks – and is grateful for the arms deliveries from the West.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has praised his armed forces for successful counterattacks – emphasizing the role of Western weapons. In the past week, the Ukrainian army has achieved “strong results” in destroying Russian wartime logistics, Zelenskyy said in his video address at night. “Any attack on the enemy’s ammunition depots, on their command posts and on accumulations of Russian technology saves the lives of all of us, the lives of Ukrainian soldiers and civilians.”

Selenskyj thanked western partners for previous arms deliveries. He referred in particular to the United States, which a few days ago announced further arms deliveries to Ukraine in the amount of 550 million dollars. This should include ammunition for the HIMARS multiple rocket launcher system and 75,000 artillery shells. At the same time Zelenskyy asked for further military help. Ukraine, which has now been defending itself against the Russian invasion for almost six months, wants to use the foreign weapons to reconquer lost territory. Recently, the Ukrainian army launched several counter-offensives in the south.

In the eastern region of Donetsk, however, the defenders are coming under increasing pressure. Russian offensives in the direction of the cities of Sloviansk, Bakhmut and Avdiivka had been repulsed, the Ukrainian general staff said in its evening report. Especially about Bachmut fierce fighting has been raging for days. The day before, the pro-Russian rebels had reported that fighting was already taking place within the city limits. The information provided by both sides cannot be checked independently.

The small town is considered a cornerstone of the defense system surrounding the last Ukrainian-held metropolitan area in Donbass. Should Bakhmut and other small towns fall, the way for the Russian troops in the direction of Sloviansk and Kramatorsk would be largely free. Since conquering the neighboring region of Luhansk, the Russians have concentrated their attacks in eastern Ukraine on Donetsk, where they have so far conquered around 60 percent of the territory.

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