Russian invasion: Signs of hope: Scholz plans Ukraine reconstruction conference

Russian invasion
Signs of hope: Scholz plans Ukraine reconstruction conference

The Federal Chancellor deals with the reconstruction of Ukraine. photo

© Kay Nietfeld/dpa

Russia is massively attacking Ukraine’s infrastructure – and in doing so wants to weaken the population’s will to persevere. In Berlin, experts are already dealing with the time after the Russian war of aggression.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) sees the reconstruction of Ukraine after the end of Russia’s war of aggression as a task for the world community that will last decades. “We will have to invest a lot for this to work well,” said Scholz in his video podcast published on Saturday before the reconstruction conferences for Ukraine this Monday and Tuesday in Berlin.

Ukraine and the European Union could not do this alone. He added: “Only the whole world community, which is now supporting Ukraine, can do that. And they have to do it for a long time.”

It is “important that we not only determine very specifically what needs to be done, where investments need to be made, how the reconstruction can be organized, but that we also think about how many, many years, yes, decades such a reconstruction can also be financed by the international community,” said Scholz. Together with EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, he therefore invited, as President of the G7 round of the seven leading democratic economic powers, to an international conference of experts on the reconstruction of the country on Tuesday. “It’s about sending a sign of hope, in the midst of the horror of war, that things are looking up again.”

Germany currently chairs the G7 group, which also includes France, Italy, Japan, Canada, the US and the UK.

Scholz: Continue with the support of Ukraine

At a state party conference of the Bavarian SPD in Munich, Scholz said on Saturday that Russia was waging the war more and more brutally, destroying cities, villages, infrastructure and energy plants. People would die every day, “we take note of that with bitterness and sadness”. That’s why it’s clear to the federal government: “We will continue with our support for Ukraine.” The country will continue to be helped financially, humanitarianly and also with weapons to defend its independence.

Scholz warned of a new blockade of grain deliveries from Ukraine by Russia. They fought to ensure that grain exports would be possible by rail, the Danube, “but definitely also by sea”. “It’s good that we’ve succeeded now. And this path must not be blocked again.” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj had complained about increasing problems with grain exports across the Black Sea, which were agreed with Russia in July.

Economic Forum with Ukrainian Prime Minister Schmyhal

This Monday, a German-Ukrainian economic forum with top representatives from both countries in Berlin will focus on the reconstruction of the country attacked by Russia. Scholz wants to open the conference together with the Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Schmyhal. Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) and Federal Development Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD) are also expected. Several ministers from the Ukraine will travel to Berlin or connect online, as the organizers announced.

The event takes place on the initiative of the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK), the Eastern Committee of German Business and the German-Ukrainian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Ukraine). On the fringes of the conference, Scholz also wants to meet Schmyhal for bilateral talks, as a German government spokesman announced. The focus should therefore be on the current situation in Ukraine and German support for the country.

Schmyhal: Use Russian assets for reconstruction

Shmyhal repeated the demand to use Russian assets frozen abroad for reconstruction. The damage caused by Russia’s attack is currently “more than 750 billion” dollars, he told the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung” (FAS). At the same time there are frozen Russian assets worth 300 to 500 billion dollars. “We should develop a mechanism to confiscate Russian assets,” he said.

Schmyhal told the newspaper: “If there is no electricity, no heating, no water in Ukraine, it could trigger a new migration tsunami.” He accused Russia of wanting to “plunge Ukraine into a humanitarian catastrophe” by attacking its civilian infrastructure. The Ukraine should be given a cold winter in which many people could freeze to death. In view of this, he asked for “mobile equipment for generating electricity and heat” and for water treatment plants. In addition, the Prime Minister asked Germany for rapid further military aid.

Representatives from Europe, the G7 round, the G20 group of the leading economic powers from all continents, international organisations, civil society and business will also take part in the expert conference on Tuesday. The Ukrainian President Selensky should be connected virtually at the beginning and give a speech.


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