“Russia can start negotiations with us tomorrow”

The final declaration of the peace summit in Switzerland is not supported by all participating states. According to a list published by the Swiss hosts on Sunday, the Document approved on Sunday by only 80 of the 93 participating states.

After the conference, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy named a Russian troop withdrawal as a condition for the start of peace talks. “Russia can start negotiations with us tomorrow without waiting for anything if it withdraws from our legitimate territories,” Zelenskyy told journalists. But he added: “Russia and its leadership are not ready for a just peace.”

Among the countries that did not agree to the declaration are six states from the G20 group of the world’s most important economic powers: Brazil, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, India and Indonesia. Armenia, Bahrain, Thailand, Libya, the United Arab Emirates, Colombia and the Vatican also opted out.

The document is complete and “balanced,” Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba told journalists on Sunday at the Bürgenstock. The positions of the government in Kiev have been taken into account and there are No alternative peace plans were discussed at the meeting.

In the declaration, the signatories advocate that the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant occupied by Russia be protected and that any threat to use nuclear weapons should be condemned. In addition, the 80 states are committed to unhindered grain exports from Ukraine, which are of great importance for poor countries in Africa in particular.

The summit declaration also advocates the exchange of prisoners of war and calls for the return of children and other civilians abducted to Russia. However, Russia is not explicitly condemned for its attack.

Swiss President Viola Amherd, Volodymyr Selenskyj and Swiss Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis take the traditional family photo during the summit.


Instead, the declaration recalls the Charter of the United Nations. “In particular, we reaffirm our commitment to renounce the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State,” the text states.

The principles of sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all states within their internationally recognized borders must be respected. This includes Ukraine. The declaration does not contain any clear statement on a follow-up conference. However, the signatories are in favor of involving Russia in future discussions.

“We believe that involvement and dialogue between all parties is necessary to achieve peace,” the document says. However, a date or location for the next summit with Russia is not mentioned.

Scholz: No peace without Russia’s involvement

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) and several other speakers spoke out in favor of bringing the Russian attackers to the table at the start of the conference on Saturday. “It is true, that peace in Ukraine cannot be achieved without involving Russia“, said the Chancellor.

Scholz travelled directly from the G7 summit in southern Italy to Switzerland.

© REUTERS/Denis Balibouse

At the same time, however, he made clear what he saw as the conditions for peace: “Russia could end this war today or at any time, if it stops its attacks and withdraws its troops from Ukraine.”

The peace process is a delicate plant that now needs to be watered. “But we want the garden to bloom and thrive”he said before the summit began.

Von der Leyen calls for “sustainable peace” for Ukraine

President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen According to her, the current situation on the battlefield cannot be frozen. “Freezing the conflict today while foreign troops occupy Ukrainian land is not the answer,” she said at the Ukraine summit in Switzerland. “It is a recipe for future wars of aggression.”

Ursula von der Leyen assured Ukraine of the support of the international community.

© AFP/Urs Flueeler

Von der Leyen urged the summit participants to support “a comprehensive, just and sustainable peace” for Ukraine. This must also restore the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Date for follow-up conference still completely open

It is unclear when a follow-up conference with Russia can take place. The fact that the summit participants are considering a date or even an approximate time on Sunday, is considered unlikely.

However, the hosts hope that a follow-up conference will be decided this year. “As an international community, we can contribute to prepare the ground for direct talks between the warring parties“, said Swiss President Viola Amherd.

Statements from Moscow immediately before the summit made it clear how far away a peaceful solution is. Russian President Vladimir Putin set out his conditions for negotiations, including the Ukraine’s complete renunciation of the Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson, Zaporizhia and the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea – just over a fifth of the Ukrainian territory.

Kamala Harris: “Putin calls for surrender”

US Vice President Kamala Harris dismissed Putin’s demand on Saturday as absurd.


“We must tell the truth. He is not calling for negotiations, he is calling for surrender“, said Harris – and assured Ukraine of continued support in its defensive struggle against Russia. “America is standing with Ukraine not out of charity, but because it is in our strategic interest.”

The initiative for the summit came from the Swiss government and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. “We managed to give diplomacy a chance,” said Zelensky before the opening of the peace conference.

Ukraine Peace Summit: Invitations for states friendly with Russia

The Swiss hosts had been trying for months to get as many countries as possible to participate in the summit. 160 were invited, more than 90 agreed – they are to a large extent with heads of state and government represent.

For Volodymyr Zelensky, the sheer number of participants is already a huge success. On the left in the picture: Viola Amherd.

© AFP/Urs Flueeler

Scholz travelled to Switzerland directly from the G7 summit in southern Italy. US President Joe Biden, on the other hand, opted not to attend a campaign fundraising event in Los Angeles and will be represented by his deputy Harris.

Even though they did not invite Russia, the organizers made efforts to to get as many countries friendly to Russia to the table as possible.

The result is sobering: China, Russia’s most important ally, cancelled the talks altogetherThe Brazilian President and the Indian Prime Minister made the long journey to Europe to attend the G7 summit on Friday, but skipped the Swiss conference that followed immediately afterwards.

Brazil is now only participating as an observer, India only had a Secretary of State from the Foreign Ministry on the list of participants, and South Africa was represented by its national security advisor.

Ukraine peace summit: Scholz left on Sunday morning

Chancellor Scholz will not be present on the second day of the summit and will be replaced by the Minister of State in the Federal Foreign Office, Anna Lührmann.

After his return, the Chancellor has two important appointments in Berlin: He will discuss the budget with Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) and Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens), followed by an SPD executive committee meeting to examine the disastrous result of the European elections. With 13.9 percent, the SPD performed worse than ever before in a nationwide election. (dpa, Reuters, AFP)

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