Russia abandons Avdiivka after heavy losses

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The United Nations publishes figures on the war in Ukraine. Zelenskyj thanks Germany. The news ticker about the Ukraine war.

  • Less replenishment Moscow: Is Russia giving up in the battle for Avdiivka?
  • Armor package out of Germany: Volodymyr Zelenskyj thanks the Federal Government
  • Heaviness Russian losses: Ukraine publishes current figures
  • The information processed here comes from international media and news agencies, but also from the warring parties Russia, Ukraine and their allies. In particular, the information on losses suffered by the armies involved in the Ukrainian war cannot be independently verified.

Update from November 22nd, 10:03 a.m: Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann has warned against cutting spending on the Bundeswehr and aid to Ukraine after the ruling on the federal budget and the budget freeze. The 100 billion special fund for the Bundeswehr remains in place because it is anchored in the Basic Law, the FDP defense politician told the news agency dpa. “The eight billion euros for Ukraine, on the other hand, are, as of now, not secure,” she continued. They would have to be justified separately and “we are working on that”.

Update from November 22nd, 8:15 a.m.: According to the military, Ukrainian air defense shot down a total of 14 drones belonging to the Russian armed forces during the night. The attack took place between 8 p.m. and 3 a.m. over the center of the country, in the southeast and in the west. The Russian military also launched an X-22 cruise missile from the southeast. However, the bullet did not reach its target and fell on a field. There are no reports of casualties or damage.

Russia’s Defense Ministry, in turn, reports that its air defenses shot down three Ukrainian drones over Crimea. Russia annexed the Ukrainian peninsula in 2014.

Battle for Avdiivka continues – less supplies for Russian troops

Update from November 22nd, 6 a.m.: According to Ukrainian information, Russia is apparently sending fewer supplies to the embattled city of Avdiivka. There are fewer ground and air attacks on the city, Ukrainian military spokesman Oleksandr Stupun said on state television. “But they still violate the rules of war by shooting at medical teams and evacuation vehicles.” Russia denies the allegations. “However, the attackers are not abandoning their plan to encircle Avdiivka. “Eight attacks were repulsed today,” said Stupun.

The head of Avdiivka’s military administration, Vitaly Barabash, said the fighting was concentrated in an industrial area and that Ukrainian forces were holding their positions. “The enemy continues to put pressure on our boys,” he told radio station NV. “They are primarily focusing on the use of drones. Drones over and over again.”

Russia Ukraine war
Soldiers from the 1st Bureviy (Hurricane) Brigade of the Ukrainian National Guard during combat training in northern Ukraine. (Symbolic photo) © Efrem Lukatsky

Zelensky is looking forward to new weapons from Germany for Ukraine

First report: Kiev – After Federal Defense Minister Boris Pistorius’ visit to Kiev, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj expressed gratitude for the new arms package from Germany. With a view to the announced military aid worth 1.3 billion euros, which will include, among other things, new Iris-T SLM anti-aircraft missile systems, Zelensky said in his evening video message on Tuesday (November 21): “This will mean that our cities and thousands Human lives must be protected from Russian terror.” It is “a new, strong support package from Germany.”

Pistorius announced the new military aid during his visit to Kiev. In addition to the anti-aircraft systems, the package is also said to contain anti-tank mines and NATO caliber 155 millimeter artillery shells.

The head of the Ukrainian presidential office, Andriy Yermak, wrote about four Iris-T systems. According to information on an overview list from the Ministry of Defense, Germany has already delivered three Iris-T SLM systems to Ukraine. Before Pistorius’ latest announcement, five more of these systems had already been announced there. Meanwhile, Pistorius only said about the German Taurus cruise missiles that Ukraine has been demanding for a long time: “There is no new information about Taurus.”

USA: Iran could supply missiles to Russia for Ukraine war

The US government fears that Iran could supply Russia with ballistic missiles for use in Ukraine in the future. In return for this support, Russia has offered Tehran unprecedented defense cooperation, said National Security Council Communications Director John Kirby. During a visit to Iran in September, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu was shown ballistic missiles, Kirby continued. “We are therefore concerned that Iran is now considering supplying Russia with ballistic missiles for use in Ukraine.”

Ukraine publishes latest figures on Russia’s losses on the front

The Ukrainian General Staff has released new figures on Russia’s losses in the Ukraine war. According to this, 610 Russian soldiers were either killed or injured in the fighting within one day. The information cannot be independently verified.

Overview of Russia’s losses in the Ukraine War

  • soldiers: 319,820 (+610 on the previous day)
  • tank: 5439
  • Armored vehicles: 10,174 (+6)
  • Artillery systems: 7752 (+4)
  • Multiple rocket launchers: 899
  • Air defense systems: 588
  • Airplanes: 323
  • helicopter: 324
  • Drones: 5771 (+7)
  • Rockets/cruise missiles: 1564 (+1)
  • Ships: 22
  • Submarines: 1
  • Tank trucks and other vehicles: 10,134 (+7)
  • Special vehicles and other equipment: 1098 (+1)
  • Source: Ukrainian General Staff as of November 21, 2023. The information about Russia’s losses comes from the Ukrainian army. They cannot be independently verified. Russia itself does not provide any information about its own losses in the Ukraine war.

UN: At least 10,000 civilians killed in Ukraine war

Since Russia’s invasion 21 months ago, the United Nations has recorded at least 10,000 civilian deaths in Ukraine – including more than 560 children. Since many bodies have not yet been identified, the actual number of victims is likely to be “significantly higher,” the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva said on Tuesday. In addition, with the help of the UN observers stationed on site, more than 18,500 injured civilians have been registered so far. (Talk to agency material)

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