Russell’s Williams years currently an advantage?

8:13 a.m

Russell’s Williams years currently an advantage?

At least Jacques Villeneuve puts forward this theory. The 1997 world champion writes in his column on ‘’: “George Russell can, to a certain extent, with that [Mercedes-]bypass the car.”

“Maybe that’s because of his years at Williams, where he also had to drive a difficult car. But Lewis Hamilton doesn’t get along at all,” said the Canadian, alluding to Hamilton’s Q1 exit in Saudi Arabia.

“He always had a perfect car. He never had to push because they were so much faster,” he says of the situation at Hamilton and Mercedes in recent years. The car does not currently fit Hamilton’s driving style.

To be fair, however, it must be said that Hamilton landed ahead of Russell at the start in Bahrain.

11:45 a.m

F1 x Supercars

With Perez and Alonso, two Formula 1 drivers tried out an Australian supercar today. There are impressions of it in our photo gallery:

Photos: F1: Australian Grand Prix (Melbourne) 2022, pre-events

10:58 a.m

Haas: How it can work with a podium

In the first two races of the season, Magnussen finished in the points. What would it take to even make it onto the podium? “I don’t think we will be fast enough at any track this year to make it onto the podium with our pace,” he clarifies.

But it could still work out because: “If we’re the best car behind the top three teams, then we’ll be the first to get a podium if something happens up front or there’s a safety car, a red flag or something ‘ explains Magnussen.

The aim must therefore be to be “at the very front in midfield”. And then the “timing” has to be right, explains the Dane. So it would take some luck, but just the fact that Haas can dream of a podium shows the progress that has been made in 2022!

10:43 a.m

Speaking of Alpines…

The French are in their regular livery for the first time this year this weekend. In Bahrain and Saudi Arabia they started with a special design for partner BWT.

In Melbourne we will see the blue Alpine on the track for the first time in 2022 at a GP!

10:29 a.m

Alonso can continue to use Bahrain engine

In the ticker we have already talked about the fact that the Spaniard can no longer use the engine from Saudi Arabia after it failed. Alpine team boss Otmar Szafnauer has now confirmed this once again.

After all: The Bahrain engine is back in the pool. “The two problems are not related,” emphasizes Szafnauer. Before Jeddah, the drive was only changed as a precautionary measure and the engine checked.

“He’s fine and will go back to the pool,” said Szafnauer. The Saudi engine is meanwhile lost. But at least the problem that caused the water pump to fail could be resolved.

“It won’t happen again. It was an easy repair,” said Szafnauer, who admitted that it was all the more frustrating to have lost an engine as a result.

An overview of the engine penalties for 2022 can be found here!

10:10 a.m


Simon has a question about the time difference in Australia. Mercedes has us on this topic already given and revealed exciting insights in 2018: “The team members are given a sleep schedule to get their body clock used to the new time zone.”

“These sleep schedules are used to select flights to Australia in the best possible way. It is assumed that they can start adjusting to the Australian time on the flight. It is important to sleep at the time of night in Australia and at the same time as the destination eat.”

“Once you’ve landed, it’s important to keep an eye on the light and dark times, but also on the meals, when they’re eaten and the level of training (the team is also bringing a physiotherapist and trainer to Melbourne).

“Of course, the drivers follow these plans as well and even go one step further in order to be as well prepared as possible for the strenuous hours that await them on the track.”

“They only do light exercise, which helps them acclimatize faster. All the necessary training was completed before they even set foot on the plane.”

Ultimately, however, every driver has their own way of dealing with the time difference. Some take it better, others worse.

9:51 a.m

Las Vegas: A round in 360-degree video

A spectacular 360-degree video provides a first impression of the course of the new Las Vegas GP from 2023! A night drive in a car takes you over some of the roads that Formula 1 drivers also use.

This also includes the almost two-kilometer straight on the Las Vegas Strip. At other points, the course of the route can only be described at the moment, as the course does not run entirely on public roads.

The video is here:

9:32 a.m

Surer: Mick “soon at eye level” with Magnussen

Speaking of German: it could so far not yet win a qualifying or race duel against Magnussen. However, expert Marc Surer is optimistic that this will change soon.

at ‘Sport1’ he says: “Teammate Kevin Magnussen is performing at the maximum level. Was Mick overestimated or Kevin underestimated? I mean, the second. Mick should stay calm now and learn from Magnussen.”

“I am convinced that he will soon be able to be on an equal footing with him,” said Surer. Maybe already in Melbourne…

9:13 a.m

Schumacher is confident about Melbourne

An online media round with Mick Schumacher just ran in Australia. Because of the time difference, it’s already after 5 p.m. over there, so the day is already drawing to a close for the local colleagues.

In any case, Schumacher explained that Haas should “actually be okay” in Melbourne too. The new car is “not quite understood yet” and will need “a few more races”.

But basically he is still positive about the race. He doesn’t feel anything anymore from his crash in Saudi Arabia, he will be completely fit for the weekend – or surfing 😉

8:57 a.m

To the war in Ukraine …

…By the way, Pierre Gasly too in conversation with ‘image’ – and found much clearer words: “What is happening in Ukraine is so unfair. There is nothing more unfair. Innocent lives are taken, families are torn apart.”

“Children will have to grow up without their parents. And the reasons for this are completely beyond their control,” says Gasly, who reveals: “I know people in Ukraine through people who are close to me.”

His approach is very different from Masepin’s. “I’m an athlete, but not only that. I’m a completely normal person, I have feelings and opinions. Through sport I’m in the public eye and reach a lot of people,” says Gasly.

“If I can change something by sharing values ​​that are important to me and with which I can help – why shouldn’t I do that? I’m happy to get involved,” said the Frenchman.

8:41 a.m

Russia: Masepin complains about “Cancel Culture”

Russia’s attack on Ukraine has consequences for the whole world – including Formula 1. Nikita Masepin lost his Haas cockpit during the war. Other Russian athletes are also affected by the sanctions against the country.

Among other things, for example, Russian football teams and national teams were excluded from international competitions. Masepin has that now criticized in an interview with the ‘BBC’.

“This is ‘cancel culture’ against my country,” said Masepin, who, however, continued to refuse to take a clear position on the war. He is a person “who wants to live in a peaceful world,” he emphasizes.

“But I want to be honest: I see a great risk in saying anything about this case because I can never please everyone, so I will remain silent publicly,” Masepin said.

8:25 a.m

The changes in Melbourne…

… Andrew Shovlin from Mercedes explains to us in this video. In addition, the innovations on the route can also be seen directly there!

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