Rudolstadt: Retirement home surprises residents with llamas and alpacas

Six alpacas and llamas surprised the patients in a senior citizens’ home in Rudolstadt. The fluffy animals hadn’t gotten lost, however, but were at the invitation of the head of the Awo facility, Tobias Zeilinger, to visit.

The aim of the animals, however, turned out to be difficult. They were supposed to go to the fourth floor, where they were supposed to pay a visit to bedridden and demented patients – but the llamas were uncomfortable with the elevator. With a little delay it worked and the animals were able to wander through the otherwise typically sterile corridors of the retirement home as planned.

The demented residents: inside love the alpacas

Incidentally, the idea of ​​llamas and alpacas is not entirely new in the retirement home: cats and rabbits have also been guests there. But Tobias Zeilinger explains: “That was also very nice. But that is a different dimension now.” The demented residents in particular would respond well to the large animals.

The use of alpacas is also a particular success for the head of social care in the Awo care home, Antje Hedwig. Among other things, she also books hunting horn players or dance groups for the 152-strong establishment. But the residents were particularly open with the animals: “People live off it for a long time,” says Hedwig. “When we say: ‘Watch out, the alpacas will be back soon’, oh, there is really a lot of enthusiasm.”

Breeder Michelle Dinter is also very satisfied with the first use in the retirement home. While the alpacas look around curiously in the new environment, she explains: “Everything we do here is really a top achievement for them.” Getting into a car, wearing a halter, stepping into action with people, “these are all things that have been practiced for a really long time.” The animal squad is supposed to come two to three times a year.


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