RTL: Mester, Casselly and Ullmann in the “Let’s Dance” finale

Mester, Casselly and Ullmann in the “Let’s Dance” finale

Athlete Mathias Mester and his dance partner Renata Lusin at “Let’s Dance”. Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

The 15th “Let’s Dance” season is coming to an end. But even in the last episode before the finale, juror Llambi still finds a lot to criticize among the celebrities.

Presenter Amira Pocher left the RTL show “Let’s Dance” in fourth place. The 29-year-old was still one point ahead of athlete Mathias Mester (35) after the jury’s evaluation on Friday evening, but in the end the audience decided in Mester’s favour.

Thus, in the final next week, the former Paralympic athlete and his dance partner Renata Lusin, circus artist René Casselly (25) and Kathrin Menzinger, as well as presenter Janin Ullmann (40) and Zsolt Sándor Cseke will be dancing for victory.

In the semi-finals on Friday evening, there was a lot of praise, but hardly any of the dance performances achieved the maximum number of points from the jury. “It was cool, it was great, it was perfect in terms of execution, but I miss that one percent last heart from you,” said judge Joachim Llambi to Casselly after his contemporary. He remarked about Ullmann’s movements in her Paso Doble: “I’ve never seen a torrero jump in an arena like this before.” Only with her subsequent rumba did the presenter get all 30 points for a dance that evening.

In the penultimate issue of the 15th season, the four couples had to show two rehearsed dances and one improvised dance, which they only experienced immediately beforehand on the show. Pocher and professional dancer Massimo Sinató initially put a quick step on the floor, for which they only received 23 points. In the eyes of Joachim Llambi, their subsequent tango was “a class better” and earned the couple a total of 28 points.

During the subsequent “improv dance”, Pocher drew a slow fox. Like all dance couples, they only had a minute and a half to change clothes and then just 30 seconds to coordinate for the dance. With 22 points, Pocher’s improvised contribution was rated better than Mesters, who only got 19 points for his jive.

Mester had previously received encore calls and almost full points for his quick step. As always, the difference in size with his dance partner was a challenge, the 1.42 meter tall athlete explained in the clip. “That I can’t grab the shoulder blade, like the gentleman usually does, and then steer the woman.” Instead, he led professional dancer Renata Lusin on the hip, said Mester. “It’s always been tricky, but somehow we always manage to do it.” Juror Motsi Mabuse in particular was enthusiastic after his dance: “Especially today you showed: Everyone can do everything, absolutely everything.”


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