Royals: Swedish royal couple tested positive for Corona

Swedish royal couple tested positive for Corona

King Carl XVI. Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden in the Royal Castle. Photo: Bernd von Jutrczenka / dpa

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Of course, Corona does not stop at royalty: Now the Swedish King Carl Gustaf and his wife Silvia have tested positive.

The Swedish King Carl XVI. Gustaf (75) and his wife Queen Silvia (78), who was born in Heidelberg, have tested positive for the corona virus.

Both showed mild symptoms of the disease, but they are doing well under the circumstances, the Swedish royal family announced in a brief statement on Tuesday.

They are each fully vaccinated with three syringes. The royal couple went into domestic isolation in accordance with the applicable Corona rules of conduct, and the infection tracking was ongoing.

Carl Gustaf and Silvia are not the first members of the Swedish royal family with a positive test report: their son Prince Carl Philip (42) and his wife Princess Sofia (37) tested positive in November 2020, heir to the throne Victoria (44) and her husband Prince Daniel (48) then in March 2021.


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