Rosenthal is not running again for the Juso presidency

Status: 08/19/2023 3:33 p.m

Jessica Rosenthal has been Juso Chairwoman since 2021 – but she does not want to run for office again in November because of the birth of her first child. A potential successor is already ready.

There will be a change at the top of the SPD youth organization Jusos in November: the previous boss Jessica Rosenthal no longer wants to stand for election. “I will not run again as Juso chairman,” Rosenthal told the “Rheinische Post”. “In November I will be a mother for the first time and then of course I want to concentrate on my family,” said the 30-year-old.

But she will keep her seat in the Bundestag. “The question doesn’t arise at all. As a Member of Parliament, I will continue to do all I can to look after my Bonn constituency,” assured Rosenthal. “I can also be counted on within the SPD – both locally as chairwoman of the Bonn SPD and on the party executive at federal level,” she emphasized.

Mohamed wants to succeed him

Rosenthal was elected head of the Jusos in January 2021 and confirmed in office in November 2021. His predecessor was Kevin Kühnert, who is now the Secretary General of the SPD. In September 2021, the trained teacher entered the Bundestag via the state list of the SPD North Rhine-Westphalia.

Rosenthal’s successor could now also be a Bonn native. The 31-year-old Sarah Mohamed already announced ambitions for the office. She wanted to position the Jusos as a “social corrective to the federal government” and make the organization more diverse, according to a statement by the NRW-Jusos. “Climate crisis, racism, anti-feminism and poverty – we have to get out of the permanent crisis of capitalism,” said Mohamed, who studied history and philosophy in Bonn and now works as a research assistant for the SPD member of the Bundestag Sanae Abdi.

Broad support from the state board

According to the information, the state board of the NRW-Jusos and thus the largest state association of the nationwide SPD youth organization is unanimously behind the candidacy of Mohamed, who is already a member of the Juso federal board. At the beginning of September, the state association is likely to nominate her as its candidate at a delegates’ meeting, and the election for federal chairperson is at the Juso federal congress in November.

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