Rod Stewart booed in Leipzig for shouting “Fuck Putin”

Leipzig fans boo Rod Stewart for shouting “Fuck Putin” – in Berlin he gets applause

British musician Rod Stewart is currently on tour in Germany

© Javier Vicencio / DPA

On his farewell tour, singer Rod Stewart dedicated his song “Rhythm of my heart” to Ukraine and Volodymyr Selenskyj. This did not go down well with fans in Leipzig, Saxony.

The Scottish musician Rod Stewart experienced two very different evenings on his current farewell tour: When he dedicated his song “Rhythm of my heart” to Ukraine in Leipzig on Friday and shouted “Fuck Putin” to the audience, some Saxon fans apparently took offense. According to the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung” In addition to quiet applause, loud whistles and boos came from the crowd when a picture of Volodymyr Selenskyj was shown. The displeasure of Rod Stewart fans can also be seen in a video posted by a user on the messaging service “X”.

The FAZ reporter commented that the “central German public, which gave the AfD and the BSW a strong boost in the last elections” had “not even been able to bring themselves to wish for peace”.

In Berlin, Rod Stewart fans cheered at “Fuck Putin”

Musician Rod Stewart, however, remained true to his message. The next evening in Berlin, he opened his song “Rhythm of my heart” again with “Fuck Putin” and paid tribute to Ukraine’s fight against Russia. According to the Berlin newspaper “BZ” The performance in Berlin was received in a completely opposite way: “Then the Scotsman says: ‘Fuck you Putin.’ The hall cheers!”


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