Robber Antonio Ferrara, king of escape, released (legally) from prison

It is this time in all legality that Antonio Ferrara left the penitentiary center of Réau in Seine-et-Marne, this Friday morning. This robber, nicknamed the “king of beauty” for having escaped twice, has finished serving his 19-year prison sentence and is therefore now free, we learned from his lawyer, confirming a information from JDD and Europe 1.

Born October 12, 1973 in southern Italy, living with his family in Choisy-le-Roi in Val-de-Marne, Antonio Ferrara was convicted of robberies, attempted murder and his two escapes. However, he was acquitted in three robbery cases: armored vans in 2009 and a post office in 2012.

Two escapes before “exemplary behavior” in detention

He had escaped for the first time from the prison of Fleury-Mérogis, in Essonne in 1998 on the occasion of a transfer to the hospital, then experiencing a long run until 2002. On March 12, 2003, he had escaped from the prison of Fresnes (Val-de-Marne) with the help of accomplices disguised as police officers who attacked the establishment with rocket launchers. His run had lasted four months.

“It is a relief for him and all of his relatives after a very, very long period of detention”, reacted his lawyer Amar Bouaou. “He was able to leave a little before the end of his sentence thanks to a confusion of sentences” and a “change of course” during his detention, where he showed “exemplary behavior”, a added the lawyer. “He now aspires to live a normal life with his partner and his two children” in France, he concluded, adding that Antonio Ferrara was preparing to join his wife.

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