RKI weekly report: peak of current corona wave probably reached

RKI weekly report
The peak of the current corona wave has probably been reached

The incidence of infection seems to be weakening. Photo: Jens Kalaene/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

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The corona incidences in Germany had recently risen higher than ever before in the pandemic. Is a trend reversal afoot? What is important now according to the RKI assessment.

Despite the first signs of a somewhat weakened infection rate in Germany, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) considers the further behavior of people to be crucial.

The further course of the pandemic also depends on whether larger parts of the population continue to behave prudently and considerately even when state-ordered measures are relaxed, writes the RKI in its weekly report on Thursday evening. The extent to which contacts increase also plays a role.

In view of a slight decrease in the number of cases in a weekly comparison, the authority notes the development: “The peak of the wave has probably been reached, but the infection pressure remains very high with more than 1.5 million Covid 19 cases transmitted to the RKI within a week.” The summit may already have been passed.

omicron subtype

Meanwhile, according to the report, the proportion of the omicron subtype BA.2 in a sample, which has been growing for weeks, has continued to grow: according to the most recent available data for the week before last to around 81 percent (week before: around 73 percent). The current value should therefore be even higher. The spread of BA.2 was considered a driver of the current wave. The subtype is arguably more transmissible than the previously predominant one. Which variant could follow next – and when – seems open.

The RKI continues to observe different developments in the age groups: the incidence is declining in a weekly comparison among younger people between 15 and 34 years of age, but increasing among older people between 60 and 85 years of age. There was a further increase in outbreaks in old people’s and nursing homes. In particular, the RKI called on risk groups and very old people over the age of 70 to protect themselves against a serious illness with the second booster vaccination recommended by the Standing Vaccination Committee (Stiko).


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