Rita Süssmuth has breast cancer: “I don’t want to die yet”

Former President of the Bundestag
Rita Süssmuth has breast cancer: “I don’t want to die yet”

Former President of the Bundestag Rita Süssmuth has breast cancer

© IMAGO / photo library

The long-time President of the Bundestag, Rita Süssmuth, has been diagnosed with breast cancer. “I’m not feeling well. But I’m thinking positively and I’m not letting it get me down,” the 87-year-old told Bild. She is continuing to attend appointments.

“I’m not going to sit around and wait to die.” The CDU politician took part in a public panel discussion on breast cancer at the end of May. In Düsseldorf, she spoke from a patient’s perspective on the topic of “Quality of life in old age with breast cancer.”

Rita Süssmuth “doesn’t want to die yet”

According to Bild, Süssmuth said she did not know what God had planned for her. “One thing is clear: I do not want to die yet.” She wanted to help society to improve. “I would give everything for that.” In addition to her faith, the Catholic woman also draws strength from “many lovely people” around her.

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01:58 min

Süssmuth was born in Wuppertal and lives in Neuss. She joined the CDU in 1981, when she was only in her mid-40s, and four years later she became Federal Minister for Family Affairs under Chancellor Helmut Kohl. From 1988 she was President of the Bundestag for ten years.


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