Rishi Sunak officially named Prime Minister today

Designated by the Conservatives to become Prime Minister after the resignation of Liz Truss, Rishi Sunak was officially appointed on Tuesday October 25 by King Charles III.

No time to waste. Rishi Sunak, the former finance minister, was officially appointed Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on Tuesday, after his meeting with King Charles III. Yesterday, he was nominated by the British Conservatives to succeed Liz Truss, who resigned.

to ‘immediately’ fix ‘mistakes’ made under Liz Truss

Former minister and wealthy banker, Rishi Sunak42, set the tone as soon as he took office, saying he wanted to start “immediately” to repair the “mistakes” made under Liz Truss.

The day before, he had already indicated that he had the ambition to “restore the British economy”, marked by Brexit and a severe energy price crisis. On his Twitter account, he promised “integrity, professionalism and responsibility”.

Emmanuel Macron sends him “his congratulations”

Also speaking on Twitter, Emmanuel Macron sent his “congratulations to Rishi Sunak”, adding “that together, we will continue to work to face the challenges of the moment, including the war in Ukraine and its multiple consequences for the Europe and for the world.”

To stand for the post of Prime Minister, it was necessary to obtain 100 support from deputies. Rishi Sunak is the only candidate to have fulfilled this criterion.

Rishi Sunak, grandson of immigrants of Indian origin, will become the fifth Prime Minister since the Brexit referendum of 2016, which opened a page of unprecedented economic turbulence in the United Kingdom, and the first non-white.

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