Ricky Gervais hopes that the current young generation will be “canceled” by the next generation

British comedian
Ricky Gervais: “I hope the younger generation will be canceled by the next generation”

British comedian Ricky Gervais

© Isabel Infantes / Picture Alliance

It’s not exactly a nice wish British comedian Ricky Gervais made about young people. But he sees the creativity of his branch in danger.

He is the creator of the popular comedy series “The Office” and recently received a lot of praise for the sad and funny “After Life” on Netflix: Comedian Ricky Gervais has long been known and successful beyond the borders of his home country England. The 60-year-old is therefore not undisputed. Now he provoked with an unusual and not exactly positive wish for committed young people.

The sharp-tongued comedian had often remarked how much he went against the grain of the current “Cancel Culture”, in which every verbal misstep is immediately and severely punished by the public. As a guest in a podcast, he now announced vigorously that he hoped that the current generation of young people will be “canceled” by the next generation because, in their eyes, it was not “woke” enough. He even thinks it is “inevitable” that it will come that way.

Ricky Gervais criticizes young people

Gervais said, “I want to live long enough to see the younger generation suddenly no longer ‘woke’ enough for the next generation. That will happen. They don’t get it yet that it’s their turn. That’s the funny thing on this strange generation. ” However, he understands the need to overturn existing structures as a young person very well. “We chased away the old sacks back then. Of course we did. But you can only ‘woke’ and be liberal up to a certain point, until it turns into the opposite.”

He believes that many people in the entertainment industry right now are afraid to try new things and take risks because they are afraid of falling victim to a shit storm. Gervais also said he didn’t think a series like “The Office” could be made today. “That wouldn’t work today because people take everything too seriously. There are these indignant mobs that take everything out of context. It was a show about everything – about differences, about genders, about skin colors, everything about People don’t even dare to discuss anything anymore because they don’t say anything wrong and want to be canceled. “

Source: “Metro”


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