Report by the Amadeu Antonio Foundation: Anti-Semitism of “unprecedented quality”

Status: 06.06.2024 16:25

Since Hamas’ attack on Israel, the security situation for Jews in Germany has deteriorated significantly. A report by the Amadeu Antonio Foundation now shows the extent of the problem: anti-Semitism is becoming increasingly socially acceptable.

Following the terrorist attack by Hamas on October 7, there is increasing anti-Semitism in Germany of “unprecedented quality”. This is the conclusion of a Report of the Amadeu Antonio Foundationwhich was presented in Berlin.

The number of safe spaces is decreasing and the threat level is dramatic, according to the foundation’s “Civil Society Report on Anti-Semitism”. Islamism is being trivialized, Israel-related anti-Semitism is spreading, and radicalization is taking place with serious consequences. This means that “fears of contact between Islamist, anti-imperialist and self-conceived progressive milieus” are decreasing.

The director of the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, Tahera Ameer, warned: “Under the guise of supposed solidarity with Palestine, Islamist slogans are being made socially acceptable and the condemnation of Islamism is being eroded.” It is alarming that Jews are hiding their identities out of concern for their safety.

Increase in anti-Semitic crimes

The Federal Government Commissioner against Anti-Semitism, Felix Klein, recalled recent data from the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA). According to this, the number of anti-Semitic crimes reached a new high last year with 5,164 cases. According to the BKA, the number was 2,641 in the previous year. According to this, 53 percent of the crimes recorded in 2023 were committed after October 7 alone.

However, Klein described the prosecution of anti-Semitic acts in Germany as successful overall in international comparison. Anti-Semitic campus occupations in Germany usually last less time than elsewhere and anti-Israel demonstrations are less violent than in other countries, Klein stressed.

“Most Germans are not anti-Semites”

The crackdown by security and law enforcement agencies is only one side of the coin, said Klein. Civil society also plays an important role. “I am convinced that most Germans are not anti-Semitic.” They do not agree with Hamas propaganda and do not want Jews to hide their identity out of fear.

Klein also renewed his demand that calls for the destruction of states should be included in the penal code.

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