Remove split ends: The best tips for broken tips

Dry tips
Naturally beautiful hair: That’s why you should regularly remove split ends (or have them removed)

To protect the hair, the dry ends should be removed

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When the ends of the hair split, it is called split ends. It is favored by various factors such as too much heat and lack of care. To keep your hair healthy (and looking healthy), you need to remove split ends regularly.

Split ends are something completely natural, especially with longer hair, but the split ends make the once so beautifully cultivated mane look dry and shaggy. And the worst part is, it can’t be undone. What is even worse, however, is that the split ends can expand upwards and thus damage your hair permanently. It is all the more important that you remove the split ends (or have them removed). The following explains how you can do this yourself with a split-end trimmer without accepting major losses in length. You can also find out here which methods are used by the hairdresser – and how you can better prevent split ends in the future.

Remove split ends: How to treat broken ends

At the hairdresser, the dry ends are usually removed by cutting off the hair. For this reason, many women avoid visiting to protect their mane from being shortened. Your hair does not necessarily have to be long in order to free it from split ends: with a so-called split trimmer the broken tips can be removed without noticeably shortening the hair. Or you use a special one essay made of plastic for your hair clippers or an electric razor, which is also used to trim the split ends.

No matter which variant you choose, the approach is always the same:

  1. First straighten your hair and then divide it evenly into as many sections as possible.

  2. Take the split-end trimmer in your hand and run it strand by strand along the hair from the roots to the tips.

  3. Repeat this process up to 5 times in a row on each strand for a clean result.

  4. Afterwards, care for your healthy tips with a nourishing hair oil to protect them from new split ends.

Since the split trimmer only removes the damaged ends, your hair length remains largely unchanged. A big advantage over the classic top cut. But many master hairdressers are now using other methods. You can find out what these are in the next paragraph.

Comparison: hairdressing techniques to remove split ends

Nowadays, many hairdressing salons use different cutting techniques to remove split ends without severely shortening the hair. The most well-known methods include the following:

  1. twist cut: With this technique, the hair is twisted strand by strand up to the scalp, so that only the broken hair sticks out and with one barber scissors can be cut off.
  2. Hair dusting: First, the hair must be straightened. The hairdresser then pulls strand by strand taut so that the damaged tips stick out and can be clipped.
  3. Care Cut: Here, the hairdressing scissors are heated up to 140 degrees before the actual tip cut. Then the tips are cut with the hot scissors so that they are sealed.
  4. Candle Cutting: This method is extremely radical, because here the split ends of the hair are removed strand by strand with the help of a lit candle. Only a real professional should go to work here.

These are the most common causes of split ends

When hair is badly damaged, it can break – not just at the ends, but anywhere. Split ends, on the other hand, only occur at the ends of the hair, as these cannot store moisture well and therefore dry out faster. This process is favored by frequent hair straightening, blow-drying and using a curling iron. The heat robs the tips of their moisture and makes them look brittle. But too much sunshine and a lack of or incorrect care (e.g. using a shampoo that is too aggressive) can also promote split ends. And that’s not all: friction, rough brushes, stress and hair ties with metal elements can damage hair.

Preventing split ends: These are the best care tips

For daily hygiene, you should only use shampoos and conditioners that have been specially developed for dry or damaged hair. They provide your hair with sufficient moisture and give your tips more shine and suppleness. In addition, a conditioner the subsequent combing with a soft natural hair bust much easier because fewer hairs tangle with each other.

To ensure that your tips don’t dry out and split ends in the first place, you have to constantly care for your mane. Apply one once a week conditioner on: It moisturizes and supplies your tips with important minerals and vitamins. Most products also contain valuable oils, shea butter and aloe vera. This not only makes your hair nice and soft and supple, it also protects it from split ends.

Also a so-called hair serum or hair oil is designed to ensure that dry and dull hair feels smooth and healthy again. The argan oil it contains provides your tips with important nutrients and also leaves a soft film on your hair – but only until you wash your hair the next time. However, when using it, be careful not to massage too much oil into the ends of your hair. Alternatively, there is also natural coconut oil on.

Last but not least, you can prevent split ends through your own behavior by not brushing your hair too often, let alone wet, or rubbing it dry with a towel. You should also avoid regular heat sessions with hair dryers and straighteners. Braiding your hair (with a metal-free hair tie) – and sleeping on a silk pillow to reduce split ends.

And one last tip: moisturize your hair with each brush stroke by adding a few drops of the hair serum put on the natural bristles. Then comb your hair very lightly so that it is only lightly wetted. Otherwise, it is quite possible that your roots will look greasy more quickly if you have used too much of the hair serum with argan oil.

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