Remembering and commemorating in Halle five years after the attack

As of: October 9th, 2024 2:35 p.m

The commemoration of the anti-Semitic and racist attack on October 9, 2019 will take place in Halle on Wednesday. Five years ago, an armed assassin tried to break into the synagogue and cause a massacre. When he didn’t succeed, he shot two people and injured others. The Jewish community, the city and other actors invite you to remember and commemorate, in which Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff also take part.

In Halle there will be on Wednesday Attack on October 9, 2019 remembered and remembered the victims of the attack. The fifth anniversary has been going on since this morning various commemorative actions by the Jewish community, the city and civil society actors.

Commemorative events on October 9, 2024

  • Morning: Wreath laying at the memorial plaques in front of the synagogue and on Ludwig-Wucherer-Straße
  • 12.00 p.m.: silent remembrance in the courtyard of the synagogue
  • 12:03 p.m.: Bells ring at the time of the first fatal shots, buses and trams stand still
  • 3:15 p.m.: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier visits the site of the attack and speaks to those affected in the synagogue
  • 4 p.m.: Memorial event in the synagogue
  • 5 p.m.: Commemorative event in the Ulrichskirche concert hall
  • 6:00 p.m.: Rally in front of the “Tekiez” (Ludwig-Wucherer-Straße 12)
  • 6.30 p.m.: silent remembrance on the market square

For what Commemorative events Roads are closed

According to the city of Halle, several streets will be closed and parking bans will be set up in the city center due to the events, especially in the Paulusviertel. Blocking systems would also be set up for safety reasons. If these are closed, residents will no longer be able to drive through. According to the city, all access routes around the intersection of Humboldtstrasse and Schillerstrasse have been closed since 11 a.m. The weekly market on Wednesday is also canceled.

12:03 p.m.: Pause and bells ring in Halle

On October 9, 2019, an armed assassin tried to get into the synagogue. When he failed to do so, he shot 40-year-old Jana L. on the street and 20-year-old Kevin S. in a kebab shop on Ludwig-Wucherer-Straße. He later seriously injured two people in Wiedersdorf near Landsberg.

Silent remembrance has been taking place in the courtyard of the synagogue since 12 p.m. Wreaths can be laid there. At 12:03 p.m. – the time of the first fatal shots – church bells rang in the city. Hallesche Verkehrs-AG buses and trains also stopped and commemorated the attack.

Commemoration at the sites of the attack: synagogue and Ludwig-Wucherer-Straße

At 3:15 p.m., Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier visits the synagogue attack site and speaks to those affected. The memorial event will take place there at 4 p.m. and Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff will also take part. Steinmeier and Haseloff will write the final letters in the synagogue community’s new Torah.

  • Haseloff on the attack in Halle: “The darkest hour”
    Arrow right

Also in front of the second location of the attack, in front of the “Tekiez” There is a memorial event on Ludwig-Wucherer-Straße. The “Soligroup October 9th” is holding a rally there at 6 p.m.

On Tuesday, a day before the anniversary of the attack, there are memorial plaques there Swastika graffiti discovered been. The police are investigating. It had been against the synagogue in advance online hate comments given.

Commemorative event of the city and communities

The public one City commemoration ceremony is planned from 5 p.m. in the Ulrichskirche concert hall. Afterwards there will be a silent remembrance in the market square. This is being organized jointly by the city of Halle, the Evangelical Church District of Halle-Saalkreis and the Jewish Community of Halle (Saale).

The victims are remembered at the Ulrichskirche.

The MDR presented its own on Tuesday evening new film “The attack – terror in Halle and Wiedersdorf“. The film follows various protagonists from urban society and those affected.

MDR (Corinna Thamm, Maren Wilczek)

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