Relieve swollen eyes: These home remedies will help

Tips and Tricks
Which (home) remedies help against swollen eyes?

Too little sleep and dry heating air cause swollen eyes

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A quick glance in the mirror in the morning is enough to tell whether you are feeling refreshed for the day – or not. If your eyes are tired and swollen, there are several possible reasons. This article explains what can be behind it and how you can alleviate the symptoms.

Puffy eyes after a too short or a night of drinking are not uncommon. The same applies to a day full of tears, which shows on your face the next morning at the latest. And typical allergies such as hay fever can also cause the areas around the eyes to increase in volume due to fluid retention. It doesn’t look nice, nor does it feel good. Thanks to (domestic) medicine, there are helpful tips and tricks to counteract the symptoms. You can find out here what these are and why there are other causes that promote swollen eyes.

Puffy eyes: These are possible causes

In addition to the reasons already mentioned, there are a handful of other causes that can promote swollen eyes, for example:

  • As so often leave a wrong one nutrition as well as excessive alcohol consumption visible traces on our skin: If you eat too greasy and salty food (especially in the evening) or drink a lot of alcohol, this can lead to swollen eyes in the morning – caused by accumulated lymph fluid under the skin.

  • Who all day in front of a monitor who has to sit down suffers more often from dry eyes – and as a result also from swollen eyes. The same goes for people who regularly contact lenses wear. This effect can even be intensified by the warm heating air in winter, so that the eyes dry out and swell up more quickly.

  • That age as well as ours heritage are also two factors that can promote swollen eyes: If bags under the eyes are not uncommon in the family, you may have a greater tendency to sagging connective tissue with increasing age – so that the natural fat deposits under the eyes protrude and they appear swollen.

  • Of course, a bacterial or viral disease or infection in the eyes can also cause them to become swollen – such as a conjunctivitis or a stye. If your eyes sting and itch or you notice a foreign body, it is better to see a doctor and get it checked out.

Tips: Here’s how to relieve puffy eyes

Unfortunately you only have temporary swollen eyes, there are a few simple (home) remedies that can be used to relieve the symptoms, such as:

  1. Tip: Many people find it especially comforting to cool their swollen eyes. For this you can use an ordinary eye mask or a teaspoon (both should be kept in the fridge) – in both cases the cold and smooth surface has a calming effect on the skin.
  2. Tip: Or you use a so-called Jade or Rose Quartz Roller. The stones are also said to have a cooling effect on swollen eyes. Unrolling also stimulates blood circulation in order to counteract small wrinkles – this way you solve two beauty problems at the same time.
  3. Tip: A well-tried home remedy for swollen eyes is cucumber slices from the fridge – freshly cut, of course. They have two advantages: They cool the skin and also provide it with moisture. Place the slices on your closed eyes for a few minutes.
  4. Tip: Alternatively, you can also use this beauty trick: tea bags. To do this, boil either a black or green tea, let the bags steep in the hot water as usual – and then put them in the fridge. When the tea bags have cooled completely, place them on your swollen eyes.
  5. Tip: So-called Eye Roll Ons should also alleviate the first signs of tiredness on the face and, on top of that, prevent wrinkles caused by dryness. The cooling eye gel is applied to the affected areas with a roller and must then be absorbed briefly.
  6. Tip: If none of the tips and tricks work for you, you still have another option: you simply apply make-up to your swollen eyes. Use one for this concealer in your skin tone to maintain your natural complexion and create an even complexion.

When is it better to see a doctor?

If your eyes are swollen for no visible reason and you have other symptoms such as burning, itching or pain, you should consult an ophthalmologist. Especially if your vision is affected, it is always better to seek professional advice.

Source: net doctor

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