After a twelve-month wage dispute, a collective agreement was reached for the approximately 300 service staff at the Regensburg University Hospital. The result is still subject to the approval of the respective employer and employee committees, said Robert Hinke from the Verdi service union to the German Press Agency. The union will call on its members to vote on the agreement.
Essentially, it was agreed that by 2027 the service workers who previously worked without a collective agreement, such as cleaning operating rooms, would gradually be brought into line with the federal states’ collective agreement. The professional experience of the employees is also taken into account. A special benefit that was previously paid out as holiday pay is to be paid as a Christmas bonus in the future and will gradually increase to 2,000 euros.
“We now have a reference with charisma,” said Hinke. Collective agreements are still pending at university hospitals in Erlangen, Munich and Würzburg. The union now wants to fight for this. At the University Hospital of Augsburg, on the other hand, the service staff are already included in the collective agreement of the states. The Bavarian SPD member of the Bundestag Carolin Wagner welcomed the agreement: “This is very good news for the employees! By cleaning the clinic and professionally disinfecting equipment and operating rooms, you make a fundamental contribution to the success of the hospital and deserve to be paid according to the tariff and therefore better than before.”