Refugees: Günther: More Chancellor commitment to limiting migration

Günther: More Chancellor commitment to limiting migration

“This must be a matter for the boss, Chancellor Olaf Scholz is called upon to do so”: Daniel Günther. Photo

© Carsten Koall/dpa

The Minister President in the north feels that things are going too slowly: border controls have reduced illegal migration, but further measures are still pending. Now it is up to the Chancellor.

Schleswig-Holstein’s Prime Minister Daniel Günther (CDU) is calling on Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) to do more to limit migration to Germany. “The federal and state governments have agreed on measures to limit and control immigration. But implementation is not happening quickly or consistently enough,” Günther told “Welt am Sonntag”.

Although controls at the borders with Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Poland have significantly reduced the number of illegal migrations, more border protection alone is not enough. Günther therefore called for more repatriation and migration agreements: “This must be a top priority, and Chancellor Olaf Scholz is called upon to negotiate them.” Sending only a representative of the federal government to negotiations is “half-hearted”.

In addition, people who are required to leave the country must be returned more quickly and there must be more asylum procedures at the European external borders. Likewise, more asylum procedures could be carried out in third countries so that people do not even make their way to Europe, Günther continued.

However, there are no simple solutions to limiting migration. “Populists promise that, but that is simply a lie,” said the Prime Minister. But those who have not recognized that action is needed after the result of the European elections cannot be helped.


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