Referendum: Does Regensburg need a tram? – Bavaria

The people of Regensburg can decide on this on June 9. It’s about big issues like climate protection and, once again, a coalition dispute. The SPD is in favor of a light rail system, the CSU is against it. Can their coalition cope with this?

The day that Bernd Edtmaier began to hope again was a Saturday in May. He was standing in front of his information stand on Neupfarrplatz in Regensburg – “Yes to the light rail” – and in front of him stood a very skeptical woman. She gave him three minutes to convince her. And he got started. No, a tram isn’t that loud, and yes, of course there are buses too. He had already had a bit of practice and in the end he actually managed it. The woman was completely “flashed” herself, he says. And he thought to himself, well, maybe they could still do it after all.

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