Red Bull lands in LA – Bavaria

Since Tuesday, people in Landshut have been wondering why helicopters and fan guns are roaring over their city, from which rows of extreme athletes plunge into the depths. Attention spoilers: It is an advertising spectacle by the energy drink giant Red Bull together with a Landshut PR agency and the city marketing. The secrecy about it was great. The action, for which roads had to be closed, was not previously announced. Passers-by still pointed their cell phone cameras in the sky – and wondered.

At a press conference, one of the bat men reported that he had touched the roof of the Martinskirche with his toes. He and his buddies fell towards the Isar at over 100 km/h in a wingsuit, only to land on a floating platform with a parachute. And what does the city get out of it? “The history and backdrop of Landshut should be combined with something new and youthful,” reveals Landshut’s business developer Michael Luger. In other words: They finally want to be cool with their Red Bull project, the people of Landshut, who are otherwise more famous for their medieval festival.

That’s why the city wants the press to keep their feet still – and only reveal what fits into the marketing concept. In modern German: with cliffhanger teasers without spoilers. The mystery will be solved at the end of August when Red Bull and the advertising agency publish their “material”. It will hardly be a podcast, but more like an action clip.

Admittedly, a parachutist who has fallen would not go over so well, says Michael Luger about the campaign. But they would have hired the “absolute full professionals”. The four-person Red Bull Skydive team otherwise shoots across open spaces or over the spectators at Red Bull Formula 1 events. They’ve done it thousands of times. But making your way through Landshut’s narrow old town and past bridges is new – and a big risk, as skydiver Max Manow confirms.

And who financed the Ascension Squad? “Priceless,” say the city officials. Red Bull will market the documentary all over the world: Landshut as an advertising banner for the Austrian shower manufacturer – a win-win situation. But pssst, until the end of August everyone has to look away and listen.

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