Record transfer of youngster lured to FCB – friend speaks of another possible transfer

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Sacha Boey is here. FC Bayern’s winter record transfer is available immediately. The press conference to read.

The press conference is over.

2:11 p.m.: “The Allianz Arena is a huge stadium in Europe and the atmosphere is excellent,” said Boey about his appearance with Galatasaray in the Champions League against FC Bayern. Freund also explains that he has not only had Boey on his radar since the direct encounter.

14.09. Clock: “We don’t argue, we can’t change it. Sure, it’s bitter, but it’s a great opportunity for other players. We’re looking forward to the big challenges and now we’re really going to step on the gas,” says Freund about the current injury situation. Kimmich will definitely be out at the weekend in Gladbach, but there is hope that it won’t be long-term.

FCB newcomer friends with Tel: Youngster lured him to Munich

2:07 p.m.: Zaragoza said when he moved that he wanted to finish the season in Granada. Did this change? “I can’t say anything about that at the moment. We are currently clarifying things,” explains Freund.

The sports director is also looking forward to Boey and doesn’t feel any pressure due to the high transfer fee for the Frenchman.

2:04 p.m.: “I’m ready,” says Boey about a possible starting eleven against Gladbach this weekend. The Frenchman also admires Philipp Lahm and would like to emulate the long-time FCB captain.

Boey is happy that some compatriots like Mathys Tel are already playing at FC Bayern and is looking forward to playing together. “Mathys told me that FC Bayern is one of the best clubs,” explains Boey. The youngster certainly influenced his decision.

Sacha Boey has arrived at FC Bayern. © IMAGO/Philippe Ruiz

Friend confirms: FC Bayern in talks with Granada about Zaragoza

2:03 p.m.: Freund confirms that FC Bayern is in talks with FC Granada about whether it is possible to bring Bryan Zaragoza to Säbener Straße in the winter. “We are in talks, but there are three parties.”

2:01 p.m.: Is Boey the latest addition? “That was actually the plan. But due to the current situation, it cannot be ruled out that something else will happen,” says FCB sporting director Freund. The topic is currently being discussed.

2:01 p.m.: “It was a very good training. I already knew a lot of people and am looking forward to the time,” says Boey when asked about his first training session at FC Bayern, which he has just completed.

2 p.m.: The press conference starts on time. Newcomer Sacha Boey and sports director Christoph Freund enter the press room on Säbener Straße.

Update from January 30th, 1:38 p.m.: In just under 20 minutes it starts on Säbener Straße.

First report from January 30th: Munich – FC Bayern’s second winter transfer is perfect. After Eric Dier, the Munich team confirmed the signing of Sacha Boey on Sunday. The right-back comes from Galatasaray Istanbul and costs around 30 million euros. Record for a winter newcomer at FC Bayern!

FC Bayern introduces Boey: New signing chooses number 23

Boey is the FCB officials’ answer to the record champions’ renewed defensive personnel misery. “We are happy to be able to retain a young player with a lot of potential in Sacha Boey for the long term. He also put in a strong performance in the two Champions League games against us. “We have thus further strengthened our squad not only in terms of width, but also in terms of quality,” said Jan-Christian Dreesen, CEO of FC Bayern, about the new addition.

The Frenchman will wear number 23 for Bayern. Boey will be presented by FC Bayern on Tuesday at 2 p.m. We accompany the press conference in the live ticker. The 23-year-old previously completed his first training session on Säbener Straße.

Sacha Boey is moving to FC Bayern.
Sacha Boey is moving to FC Bayern. © IMAGO/Frank Hoermann/SVEN SIMON

FCB sports director Freund is convinced of Boey: “He will increase our quality in defense”

Christoph Freund, FC Bayern’s sporting director, is happy about the transfer: “Sacha Boey is a very fast and physically strong right-back who covers a lot of kilometers in every game and is not afraid of a tackle. He was an absolute crowd favorite at Galatasaray Istanbul, has developed very well over the years, has Champions League experience and was champion with Galatasaray Istanbul last season. He will increase our quality in defense.” (kk)

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