Recipe: How to make a potato and pumpkin casserole with just five ingredients (video)

See in the video: Delicious and healthy potato and pumpkin casserole made from a total of only five ingredients.

Autumn time is pumpkin time – and what more could be done than a delicious potato and pumpkin casserole?
And that’s healthy – because pumpkin is full of vitamins and minerals.
The good thing: you only need a few ingredients for this delicious recipe.
Everything you need for this:
200 ml of milk
200 ml of cream
500 grams of Hokkaido
700 g potatoes
100 g of grated cheese

First, preheat the oven to 180 ° Celsius with a fan oven.
Then peel the potatoes and cut them into thin slices.
Then cut the pumpkin in half, core it and cut it into even, thin slices.
Then mix the milk with the cream.
Then season the mixture with salt, pepper and a little nutmeg.
You can also add a little garlic if you like.
Then grease the baking dish with a little butter.
Then put the potato and pumpkin slices alternately in the pan.
Then pour the milk and cream mixture over it.
Then the casserole has to be in the preheated oven for about 20 minutes.
Then spread the grated cheese over the casserole.
Finally, place the casserole in the oven for another 20 to 30 minutes.
Bon Appetit.

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