Recipe: Easy Spider-Shaped Halloween Muffins for the Scary Festival (Video)

See in the video: Recipe for Halloween muffins in spider shape.

Recipe for 12 muffins

200 g of flour
2 tbsp cocoa
3 teaspoons of baking powder
2 eggs
100 g of sugar
300 g buttermilk
12 soft liquorice sticks
24 chocolate buttons
1/2 packet of couverture
Chocolate sprinkles

1) Preheat the oven to 160 degrees and grease a 12-cup muffin baking pan or line it with paper liners.
2) Whisk eggs with sugar, oil and the buttermilk. Carefully stir in flour, cocoa and baking powder and stir until a smooth dough is formed.
3) Fill the dough into the frogs and bake at 160 degrees for about 20 minutes. Then let the muffins cool down well.
4) Melt the couverture. Halve the soft liquorice sticks to make pieces about 7 cm long. Quarter these pieces lengthways again. These are the spider legs. So you get 8 legs per licorice stick.
5) Now glaze the muffins with the couverture and press the legs into the still moist glaze.
6) Press 2 chocolate lentils per mustard into the still moist glaze and then sprinkle the center of the muffins with chocolate sprinkles.

Recipe from Chef User: KattyB87

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