Reactions to the death of Wolfgang Schäuble – Politics

CDU leader and Union parliamentary group leader in the Bundestag, Friedrich Merz, is struck by the death of Wolfgang Schäuble. The news “fills me with great sadness. With Wolfgang Schäuble, I am losing my closest friend and advisor that I have ever had in politics,” said Merz via X.

Former Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) writes in a statement: “I mourn the loss of a politician who shaped our country in many ways.” Schäuble was one of the “architects of German unity,” was a pioneer of Franco-German friendship and a passionate European. “As a young minister, Wolfgang Schäuble was my political teacher,” said Merkel, who, like Schäuble, was a member of Helmut Kohl’s (CDU) cabinet in the 1990s.

As Interior Minister and Finance Minister, Schäuble was in turn the “anchor” of their own cabinets. “Conversations with him were always intellectually enriching for me.” She admired his discipline, “also towards himself, which he demonstrated despite and with his paraplegia after an assassination attempt.””He became a role model for millions of people,” said Merkel.

Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier writes in a letter of condolence to the widow Ingeborg Schäuble, among other things: “Wolfgang Schäuble played a key role in the reunification of Germany. His commitment and foresight in drawing up the state treaties led to German unity being completed.” He was guided by “his inner compass, the Christian view of humanity, the tradition of his Baden homeland, a civic ethos and a deep democratic conviction.”

Chancellor Olaf Scholz emphasizes that Schäuble had a strong influence on the country. “With him, Germany is losing a sharp thinker, passionate politician and controversial democrat,” he writes at X. Scholz’s Chancellery Minister Wolfgang Schmidt calls Schäuble an “exceptional politician””Conversations with him were a real pleasure.” Germany owes him a lot, he writes at X.

Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock expresses its condolences to the family. She lifts in hers Post at X emphasized that Schäuble had made a contribution to the “democratic culture” in Germany.

The Green Party leader Omid Nouripour writes about Schäuble: “He was a giant of parliamentarism and a defining figure for our country for decades. His place in the history books is certain. My thoughts are with his wife and children. They will miss him. We will all miss him .” She also has the post Co-chairs Ricarda Lang divided.

Bundestag President Bärbel Bas (SPD) writes at X that Schäuble’s death is sad news. She also expresses her condolences to the family. Vice President of the Bundestag Katrin Göring-Eckardt (Greens) declares that the country is losing “a passionate defender of our parliamentary democracy.” His political legacy of never taking parliamentary democracy for granted remains a mandate for all those responsible for politics.

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) describes Schäuble as a “great statesman”. He embodied democratic post-war Germany like few others and took responsibility for the country until the end. The Left-wing politician Dietmar Bartsch calls Schäuble an “outstanding democrat.”

Baden-Württemberg Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens) explains that the deceased had a significant influence on crucial years of federal politics. “As an influential politician, Wolfgang Schäuble was a controversial and sometimes uncomfortable, but ultimately fair political spirit,” said Kretschmann. He was very impressed by the CDU politician’s political judgment and independent thinking.

North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU) honors Schäuble as a “politician of the century””With Wolfgang Schäuble, Germany is losing one of the last outstanding politicians of German unity, and Europe is losing an honest mediator for stability and solidity in the common economic area,” said Wüst. Schäuble’s political advice, his advice and assessments were of particular importance: “Wolfgang Schäuble was a role model for me.”

CDU politician Jens Spahn writes, Europe is losing a great statesman. “I am losing my most important mentor and a fatherly friend.” Germany has lost one of its greatest servants, he also writes Saxony’s Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer (CDU) at X and emphasizes his services to German unity.

The chairman of the Catholic German Bishops’ Conference, Georg Bätzing, describes Schäuble as an “exceptional politician”. With “gratitude and respect” he bows to the personality, the politician, Christian and human being Wolfgang Schäuble.

The Central Council of Jews explains on Platform X that Schäuble put his life in the service of the country and was a close friend of the Jewish community in Germany. “Our thoughts are with his family.”

Schäuble, who was born in Freiburg, was first elected to the Bundestag in 1972 in the Offenburg constituency.

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