Reactions to annexation: Strong protest and new sanctions

Status: 09/30/2022 5:05 p.m

The western community of states has condemned the Russian annexations in Ukraine. In response, the United States and Great Britain imposed new sanctions. And Kyiv is also drawing consequences.

The Russian plans to annex Ukrainian territories had been expected – Ukraine’s allies in particular reacted quickly to the signing ceremony in the Kremlin.

US President Joe Biden spoke of a violation of international law. Russia is stomping around on the UN charter – Russian President Vladimir Putin justified the annexations, among other things, with recourse to the right of peoples to self-determination. Biden called on all countries in the world to reject Russia’s “illegal attempts”.

At the same time, the US President announced new sanctions against individuals and companies that played a role in the annexation process.

EU calls “referendums” illegal

The European Union condemned the incorporation of Ukrainian territory into Russian territory. The government in Moscow is violating the “rules-based international order,” said the 27 EU member states.

The Russian government has violated Ukraine’s fundamental right to independence. The EU will never recognize the illegal referendums that Russia orchestrated “for this further violation of Ukraine’s independence”.

Clear words from Prague and Warsaw

Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala, whose country holds the rotating EU presidency, wrote on Twitter: “Russia’s annexation of these territories is unacceptable and illegitimate.” These territories will continue to be considered part of Ukraine.

Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky made a similar statement. “The sinking Russian ship is trying to drag innocent people and areas of a sovereign state to the bottom,” criticized the Pirate Party politician. Putin can give as many speeches as he likes – the common theft of Ukrainian territories will never be acknowledged.

Poland, a close ally of Ukraine since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression, also condemned the Russian actions. The Foreign Ministry in Warsaw also spoke of an “illegal act”.

A “neo-imperialist vision” of Russia?

Pithy words come from Italy. The prospective new Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni spoke of a step without “legal or political value”. Vladimir Putin is demonstrating “his Soviet-style neo-imperialist vision that threatens the security of the entire European continent.”

The Russian ambassador to Britain has been summoned, according to the British Foreign Office. A note of protest should be handed to him. At the same time, the British government announced new sanctions against Russian individuals.

Ukraine wants to join NATO quickly

The Ukrainian government also drew consequences. According to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, his country is applying for accelerated NATO accession. “In fact, we have already proven compatibility with Allianz standards,” says Zelenskyj. “They are real to Ukraine – real on the battlefield and in all aspects of our interaction. We trust each other, we help each other and we protect each other. This is the alliance.”

The consequences of this request are unclear. For a country to join the military alliance, all NATO member countries must agree. This is very unlikely because it would result in NATO countries entering the war.

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